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Lalynn pulled out the paper Reinelle had given her from her pocket, the torn treasure. She put the Evapopaper next to it and then motioned for Lacus to sit down next to her. 

"Come, come. I've got to explain some stuff to ya," she said with a bright smile. Lacus was amazed that she completely brushed off what happened only a few moments ago.

Around them, tourists quickly rushed through the fields to get a better look at the Dublin Castle, pointing and snapping pictures. 

"Okay," Lalynn said. "You ready for this? 'Cus this is gonna blow your mind." Lacus smiled and nodded for her to begin.

"Okay. So the first line of this . . . song, I wanna say, is 'monsters in the dark lurk around the park.' So what does that mean? Reinelle and I figured out yesterday that the monsters are the Circle members. And the original academy was in a park not far from the -- you saw it." 

Lalynn pulled out the book carefully, holding it like a mother held her baby. She flipped to the correct page and showed Lacus the proof. As he processed the words, his eyes went wide.

"Woah." Lacus stared at the Evapopaper that had the meanings for each lyric jotted down.

Lalynn grinned. "That's not all." She grabbed the Evapopaper and held it out for him to see. "The second lyric: 'Those who want to be stars watch hatefully from afar.' The meaning is that the Circle members who were former Academy students would wait for their chance for revenge on the school." She pointed to the words on another page.

"Then there's the third lyric. 'In the heart of green beyond the castle where there once was a queen.' Look at this." Lalynn leaned in, closer to Lacus, and started to flip the pages. Lacus didn't know if she was so close to him on purpose or if she was just doing it without realizing. Either way, he didn't have the urge to argue in the least.

"Read," she ordered. Lacus read the words in front of him.

Anabelle Johnson was such an inspirational figure for many women during this time. Some even called her Queen Anabelle.

Lacus smiled. "Queen Anabelle, huh?" He scanned the pages again. "Wait. So that means . . ." He seemed to ponder over the words. "In the heart of green. That's Ireland. And beyond the castle. That's the school behind the Dublin Castle." Lacus smiled as he glanced at the building in front of him, solving the puzzle in his head. 

"Where there once was a queen. Anabelle Johnson." 

Lalynn clapped her hands. "Bingo!" She pointed to the fourth lyric on the blue Evapopaper and smiled. "Let's see if you can take this one."

Lacus grinned. "Is that a challenge?"

"It might be."

So he read the lyrics aloud. "Lie the constellations that unite us in our relations." He paused and glanced at Lalynn, a puzzled look glued to his face. Lalynn tried not to burst into laughter.

"Think you can figure this one out, now?" 

Lacus smirked. "What, have you?" Lalynn nodded and Lacus cursed under his breath. 

"Okay, okay. Lie the constellations." Lacus threw his hands up in the air. "I've got nothing," he admitted. Lalynn smirked triumphantly.

"Would you like a hint?"

"Please, that would be great." 

Lalynn smiled as she dug throughthe back pocket of her jeans. She pulled out her school uniform badge that every girl had sewn into their blouses. "Look at this." 

Lacus took the badge in his hands and looked at the print. Sewn in black thread onto the beige badge was the Big Dipper. A constellation.

"This is the Big Dipper." Lacus ran his thumb over it and handed the small patch back to Lalynn.

"Right you are," she said, sliding the badge back into her pocket. "And the Big Dipper is a constellation."

Lacus stared up at the sky for a moment. It was a bright blue, no clouds in sight. He looked back at the Evapopaper and thought of the badge. 

"That's your school logo?" he asked. He earned a nod. 

"Everyone at the Sanguinem Academy for Exceptional Young Women is a star. That's what Anabelle was thinking when she established the logo for her girls."

"So, if the previous line meant that in the original academy where Anabelle Johnson was . . . This part means that there were also her students. The girls. They're the constellations."

"Yay! Now figure out the second part." Lalynn watched him expectantly. Lacus felt the pressure growing. Lacus was just a teenage boy who wanted to impress his crush, okay?

"Hold on. I think I've got it. Your school is pretty diverse. There're vampires from all over that world. If the constellations are the diverse students, that means that despite the differences, the school's students are all friends. That's how they're united in their relations."

Lalynn looked at him with admiration, something that made both of them blush for a split second. "Here."

Lalynn flipped to a page and had Lacus read it. 

The academy's students were known for being incredibly diverse. None of the students seemed to have trouble getting along, though. Each and every student was united in their own relations.

"Oh, damn. Well, if you gave me the book and the page number, I would've figured it out a lot sooner." Lacus gave Lalynn a playful glare.

"But you figured it out pretty quick, didn't you?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Okay. Now we have the next line. 'The color cries to the one that spies.' We haven't figured this one out yet. But, I mean, I haven't showed this one to Reinelle and actually tried."

"I feel like it's talking about something in the form of color is sending a message to the spies from your school. Maybe Anabelle?"

"Ooh, that's good," Lalynn said, snapping her fingers in Lacus's direction. She snapped her fingers over and over while searching the park for a pencil, as if one of the bushes would hand her one. "Got a pencil?" 

Lacus smirked and pulled a pen from his jacket pocket and handed it to Lalynn, who jotted down Lacus's ideas down quickly on the Evapopaper. "But the color?"

"Hm?" Lacus asked, eyebrows raised. "What about them?"

"Where are we going to find the 'colors' the song's referring to?" Lacus smiled at Lalynn with cocky eyes. Lalynn glared at him.

"I guess that's a whole new mystery all on its own. And we have to solve it."

Seraph of the End...Spy School - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now