A Slight Adjustment

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Misaki's POV-

 Reinelle told us all the next morning about her suspicions and theories on what might happen today. After all, in the eyes of René we were supposed to see how many boys there really were today.

I walked to the ginormous dining hall and met up with my friends. After chatting for a while, I grabbed a plate and put some food in my plate. Nothing was better than crépes with strawberries and cream. Once I joined my friends at the table, I saw Reinelle enjoying crépes as well, while Kayla and Lalynn were busy digging into their pancakes. 

"So? What do you think will happen today?" I asked

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"So? What do you think will happen today?" I asked. Right then, my friend Hazel joined us at the table. She was the same as me. HECKA smart and in a freshman class with me. I quickly filled her in on everything that had happened. Her eyes went wide. "Do you guys think...the boys are coming, you know, here?" Reinelle nodded, while Lalynn and Kayla seemed distracted. 

Kayla was looking at a door that was slightly open, just a crack. Lalynn, Reinelle, Hazel, and I turned to look at it, and through the crack, we could see some movement. Something was in there. Reinelle looked closer and said, "I feel as though there are people in there. It looks like a shoulder. Someone's shoulder."

We were all so busy looking at the door that we didn't notice headmistress Johnson enter the hall. 

"Ahem. Ladies, if I could have you attention please. Yes, thank you. I have some news." I held my breath while she continued. "You see, for years you girls have thought that you were the only spy school to ever exist here in Sanguinem. The thing is, there is another spy school, and only a few blocks away from ours." Gasps and murmurs filled the room. "Ladies, attention please. Eyes up here. Thank you. Now, as I was saying. This particular school is called the Sanguinem Institute for Boys. For years, the head master and I have been discussing all the possible things that our schools could learn from each other." At this point I was getting a pretty good idea what was going on.

"Now, that will finally happen. As you all know, the semester has just started today, but it will be quite different. The boys will be joining you this semester. We have at least fifteen boys for each level. I trust that you will welcome them quite warmly." Then, she was gone. 

My friends and I looked at each other for a long time, slightly schocked about what was just said. Suddenly, the room burst into a sudden silence with a bit of murmuring. 

Kayla looked at the back of the room. We all turned to look there, too. What we saw were fifteen boys heading to the empty table next to us. Most of the boys were sophomores, but some looked like freshmen. I was trying to get a good look at them, when I recognized three of them. René, Lacus, and Mika. I may have been staring. At a certain someone. For a period of time. For a long period of time. I can't help it, he's just a cutie. Is that weird? Yeah, that's weird. Ignore that part.

Mika caught me staring though, because he suddenly turned to look at me from a distance, but straight in the eyes. I felt like I was melting. He flashed me a golden smile, and then joined his friends. Who were sitting right across from us. This is gonna be a long breakfast.

******TIME SKIP******

I walked into the COW (Countries of the World) classroom a good five minutes before the bell. Lucky for me, only Professor Harrison and Hazel were there. Professor Harrison was busy writing key facts about Israel on the blackboard, while Hazel was busy finishing the homework for this class. It's funny how much of a procrastinator she is, but I'm not one to talk.

RIIIIIIING!!! The bell rang, and in the blink of an eye, my fellow classmates were flooding into the classroom. Loudly, too. Once our classmates were in their seats, we all waited for Professor Harrison to start the day's lecture on Israel. To our surprise, he just sat there in his wheeled chair. Just spinning. Spinning in circles for six minutes and twenty three seconds. I turned to look at Hazel, who sits behind me, to see if she was just as confused as I was, when I noticed the chairs in the back of the room. They were empty, which was rare. We never had any extra seats in this classroom, and no one was late. EVER. If you were late, Professor Harrison locked the door and you failed for the day.

But the door wasn't locked. It was wide open.

Just as professor Harrison got up to pull down the world map,we heard a slightly awkward knock. All the heads in the classroom turned. There at the door were three awkward boys, one of which was Mika, and a tall man whom I assumed was their teacher.

"Ah, right on time!" Said professor Harrison, clearly lying. Nothing bugged him more than late students, especially close to six and a half minutes after the bell rang.

"Boys? Come, come," said the teacher. He looked at all of us as he said, "I am Mr. Stevenson, and these are some of my transfer students." 

Professor Harrison pulled down the world map and turned around, his gaze landing on the empty seats in the back of the classroom. Then, his gaze landed on all of us. 

"Ladies, please welcome these young gentlemen. They will be your classmates for the rest of this semester."

It would take me a bit to get used to this, let's say...slight adjustment.

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