Convent in the Mountains

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*5 Months Later*

The chilly air outdoors was blocked off by the large doors sealing the building. A young woman with curly red hair walked through the empty halls of the large convent. She carried a glass of blood and a bowl of soup. 

The woman quietly pushed open the doors and put a warm smile on her face when she saw the girl lying in the cozy bed. She tossed and turned, mumbled in her sleep.

"Anabelle . . ." 

The woman looked at the grill with a confused look but set the bowl down on the bedside table with the glass. She took one last look at the injured girl in the underneath the covers and left the chamber.

Reinelle's entire body ached when she woke up and stared at the roof. The sunlight seeped through the white curtains. Reinelle threw the covers away and looked at her legs. They were covered in scars and wrapped tightly with white fabric. She looked to her side and saw a bowl of soup and a glass of blood. This seemed too familiar to Reinelle.

"Is this a dream?" Reinelle whispered to herself. There was no way she was in Madame Kennedy's safe house again. 

She reached for the glass and immediately regretted it. Her arm ached, and a searing pain went surging through her bones. Reinelle started to feel dizzy and collapsed back onto the bed and pulled the covers up. She laid there, staring at the walls, feeling thirsty. 

Reinelle heard the door open and footsteps creaking on the wood, but she didn't bother to look. She closed her eyes and relaxed under the touch of a warm hand. 

"Dear," a woman's voice said. Reinelle glanced up and saw a young woman, in her early twenties at most, staring down at her. Her red hair glistened in the sunlight, and she had the clothing of a nun. She had placed a set of folded clothes on the edge of the bed for Reinelle to change into when she was ready.

"Where am I?" Reinelle asked. "Who are you?" She sat up with a struggle, and made one more unsuccessful attempt to get a drink. The woman smiled and handed her the glass, helping her sip.

"You're in the Convent of Santa Maria Assunta. In Switzerland. My name is Sister Cassidy," the woman said. Her accent finally grabbed Reinelle's attention. Reinelle looked around and tried to peek out the windows. "We are in the Swiss Alps, to be specific."

Reinelle gasped. She tried remembering what she was doing there. She remembered who she was, why she left Sanguinem Academy, and most of all, that her friends were quite hurt at her leave. Alone.

"What am I doing here?" Reinelle got out of bed, ignoring the pain she felt surging through her body. Sister Cassidy held Reinelle's arm in order to keep her stable, but Reinelle still managed to collapse. Reinelle felt light headed, and the room started to spin.

"Sweetheart, you need some more rest," Sisyer Cassidy said. She help Reinelle back into bed and gave her a kind smile. She stroked her hair and walked away from the bed with an empty glass of blood.

"I'll be back later to check on you, Anabelle." Sister Cassidy was nearly out the door when Reinelle called, "Wait!"

Sister Cassidy turned around and waited. Reinelle's throat burned and it was hard to speak, but she still had to ask, "Anabelle?"

"Is that not your name?" Sister Cassidy gave her a confused look.

"No. Where did you get Anabelle from?"

"You were mumbling in your sleep, and you mentioned the name Anabelle. I assumed that was you name."

Sister Cassidy smiled and left the room quietly. Reinelle closed her eyes and realized that she was so tired. It felt good to be able to rest. Reinelle got comfy under the blankets when she heard a knock on the window. 

Reinelle looked up and moved the curtains aside to find a man balancing himself on the window sill outside. Reinell gasped in shock and fear, when the man showed her a badge. An Defense Intelligence Agency badge. The man was a part of the DIA. 

She reached over to the lock on the window and unlocked it. The window slid to the side, and the man climbed into the room. Reinelle chastised herself mentally for not asking more questions before letting him in.

"Who are you?" Reinelle asked, her voice a whisper. The man put his badge away and handed her the clothes.

Reinelle took a moment to study the man. He had wavy black hair and shiny red eyes. He had pale skin and was quite slender in his suit. He had a serious composure and didn't look like the joking type. Reinelle didn't know what it was, but she felt like something about him was familiar.

"I'm Agent Lennox of the DIA. I was sent on behalf of your Aunt Patricia." Reinelle smiled slightly. It was good to know that her aunt was still there for her.

"What did she send you to do?" 

Reinelle watched expectantly as Lennox opened the window again by sliding it to the side. He turned and looked back at her.

"I'm here to get you out."

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