A Torn Paper

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The two girls blended into the crowd perfectly, drawing no extra attention to themselves. They looked normal, spoke normally, acted normally. But no one realized that those girls were incredibly far from normal.

But that was all Reinelle and Lalynn wanted to be. Normal. The thing was, they'd never be able to have a normal life. It wasn't an option.

Reinelle and Lalynn strolled through the crowd of tourists. There was the occasional jostling, but they didn't get hurt. And surprisingly, nobody took notice of the comms units in their ears. 

"You almost there, Marchioness?" Kayla's voice came through the small comms unit. Lalynn smiled at the sound of her code name. She loved it.

"Yeah, Goofball. We're almost there."

Kayla's laugh filled both Reinelle's and Lalynn's ears. "Goofball? I regret picking that name." Lalynn laughed.

"Hey, Vicious. Where are you?" Kayla said. 

"I'm there!" Giselle shouted. Everyone's come unit sparked in their ears. Reinelle heard Agent Lennox mumble, "Bloody technology."

When Reinelle reached the area the group was supposed to meet at behind the Dublin Castle, she knew felt something come flooding back to her. 


Reinelle ignored the chatting girls and walked straight ahead to the ruins that laid in front of her. There was still room for people to walk in, still enough left standing to see a few chambers. But everything around it was rubble and stone. Reinelle walked into the small opening that served as a door.

"Reinelle!" She heard Lalynn shout from behind. Reinelle didn't stop. She didn't stop when she heard footsteps. She kept going.

Reinelle's eyes scanned the small hallways that were left, the dying walls, the cobwebs, the broken glass. She heard the squeaks of little mice, her footsteps echoing off the walls. She felt Lalynn grab her shoulder. Reinelle turned around and saw the whole gang behind her. Even Lennox and Kennedy.

"Do you remember something, Nel?" Megan moved forward and observed the knowing look in Reinelle eyes. Reinelle gave a simple nod.

"Follow me." 

The girls and boys followed Reinelle in silence, trying their best not to scream every time a mouse scurried by. Mainly Kayla. 

The group kept walking through the tiny hallway until they reached a dark door at the end. It seemed to be falling apart, it's wood discolored, cracked, and chipped. Reinelle turned the knob . . .

And it fell off.

Reinelle glared at the knob and stared at the spot where the knob should have been. Then she fearfully peeked behind her and saw her friends trying to hold in their laughter. She gave them an evil look and they stopped. 

"What should we do?" Giselle asked.

Reinelle looked at the door and was about to push it when Kayla shoved her foot forward and kicked it with full force. The door flew off its hinges and fell forward. 

"Well, that was one option," Reinelle mumbled. The group advanced into a room that didn't match the looks of the rest of the fallen school.

In front of them was a large and spacious room, one with beautiful stained glass windows and a spiral staircase leading up. The sunlight was shining through in different colors, green, yellow, blue, red, purple, pink. 

Reinelle's jaw dropped at the intricate designs in the glass. It looked like there were several constellations on them. Reinelle eyed the glass carefully, felt it under fingers. 

Seraph of the End...Spy School - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now