Shattered Glass

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"We need to get out of here!" Megan yelled. 

Staying quiet was no longer the girls' top priority. The stained glass that protected the room from water was starting to crack, the sound becoming louder than it actually was in Reinelle's ears. 

Then one of the windows completely shattered.

"Holy shit!" Reinelle shouted. The water started to pour into the room while two other windows burst open. Pieces of red, blue, and purple glass floated in the water as the girls' ankles became wet. 

"Reinelle, how the fuck is the water coming inside?" Megan's startled expression showed as plain as day, and Reinelle's eyes grew wide at a truly horrifying realization.

"The only way to get the water to crack the glass is to increase the water pressure!" Reinelle tried to shout over the sound of rushing water, which had made its way up to her shin. "The water pressure tank is in the room above! The Teachers Only!" 

Megan's gasp was definitely audible as she realized what Reinelle was saying. "So whoever is up there . . . Someone from the staff is tampering with the sub level four controls!" Reinelle nodded, her eyes surveying the area for any possible ways of escape.

Reinelle was "The Thinker." She always had a plan, they were always full proof. She couldn't stop thinking now. It was up to her to get them out. Her brain never stopped running. 

Which was why she said to herself, "Someone in this school wants us dead."

"Reinelle, we need a plan! Can you hurry and think of something?" Megan shouted.

"Do you have any ideas, Megan?" Reinelle snapped.

"Let's build a boat!" Megan shot back, sarcastically. Reinelle rolled her eyes.

"Wait, what's that?" Reinelle forgot about Megan's absurd suggestion when saw a shelf high up against the wall. Reinelle felt a spark of hope light up inside her when she saw what was resting on the shelf.

"Megan, look!" Reinelle desperately trudged through the water, ignoring the feeling of the water up against her knee, now. Megan followed behind, her legs struggling to push through the water.

Megan laughed in relief when she saw the coil of wire and the hear eating beside it. Harnesses. 

"Can you reach it?" Megan asked. The water was flooding into the room faster now, and the it was up to the middle of their stomachs. Reinelle reached up and barely touched the harness. "Hurry!" Megan shouted.

Megan tried to give Reinelle a boost, but the water made it difficult. "Here!" Megan lifted Reinelle up by the waist, giving her the extra inch she needed. Reinelle's hand smacked the harnesses and the coil of wire, sending them flying into the water. 

Reinelle grabbed the harness and helped Megan get strapped in. Wet papers and were obstacles, but she did it. Once Megan was all set, she helped Reinelle quickly strap up. The girls fastened the hooks on the wire to their belts, and Reinelle's hand rested on the button that would send them flying. All they needed now was an actual escape route.

"Where are we gonna go?" Megan asked, her eyes frantically scanning the roof and the walls.

"There!" Reinelle pointed to a small tile in the roof above. It's color was faded, and Reinelle knew that it was the opening to a room. Megan, who was equally as experienced with secret passages, was thinking the same thing.

"Hold on. I can take care of this." Megan took the Hook attached to the wire and swung it around furiously, building up enough momentum. When she was ready, Megan launched the hook to the tile, the hook attaching to the slight crack separating that tile from the others. 

"Ready?" Megan asked. Reinelle nodded and was about to push the button. Megan began counting down.

"3 . . . 2 . . ." 

"Wait!" Reinelle started to feel her breathing growing unsteady. Megan looked at her expectantly. 

"Where is the book?!" Reinelle cried. She turned around, her hand gripping the harness, and searched the waters. Her eyes settled on the familiar leather.

"Reinelle, forget the book! Come on!" Megan shouted, growing impatient. Reinelle ignored her. 

The water was barely above their chests now, but Reinelle knew that there was something about the boom floating in the water. Something familiar about it. She plunged into the water and swam through the water, pushing different papers, books, folders, files, and artifacts out of her way. She saw the book start to float farther, so she swam faster. 

Megan waited for her friend's head to rise above the surface. She waited and waited.

And waited.

"Reinelle! Reinelle, where are you?" Megan asked, knowing deep down that Reinelle couldn't hear her. Her panic was starting to bubble back up to the surface.

When Reinelle's head finally appeared from the surface, she sighed with relief. But that relief was short lived, because the next thing she knew, that book came flying over to her.

It hit her in the face.

"The fuck? Okay, Reinelle, hurry the hell up!" Megan said, grasping the book. Reinelle laughed, an odd action in the middle of the water. She dove back into the water, and swam across the room just when the water reached her neck. Megan handed her the book, and Reinelle clutched it tightly, holding it above her head. Reinelle felt around for the button on her harness, and pushed it.

The two ascended through the air. 

The girls stopped at the tile, hanging from it. Reinelle watched the water fill the room while Megan's fingers found the crack in the tile. She played with it until the tile came loose, moving easily out from its place. Megan moved the tile aside and pushed herself up. Once she was inside, she grabbed Reinelle's hand and pulled her in the ought he gap.

Reinelle's soaked hair dripped water all over the floor. She eyed the room and realized it was the Teachers only room. She sat in her little puddle in amazement and shock.

"We made it." Megan stood up slowly, her clothes pouring water. "We made it! We're safe!" 

Reinelle stared at the water pressure tank. Her eyes settled on the controls, the  sub level four dial that was cranked all the way to the highest pressure levels.

"We're safe. For now."

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