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Reinelle woke up in the same wooden cabin. She sighed in disappointment. Reinelle had hoped she had somehow magically teleported back to Sanguinem Academy. She tried desperately to make her way out of bed, only to collapse from sharp aches shooting through her body.

When Reinelle heard the knock on the door, she didn't bother to think about who it was. "It's open." Her reply was lazy.

She sat up in surprise when she saw the figure walking through the door. The boy in front of her was familiar, with his black hair and perfect posture. He was wearing a trench coat, the collar turned up. He looked incredibly handsome.


"Reinelle," René replied.

He walked closer to Reinelle's bedside, pulling up a chair. He quietly sat down and observed Reinelle's pained form. A sigh escaped René's lips.  Reinelle noticed a cut that ran along René's jawline, raising some questions in her head.

"I heard what happened," he said.

"I figured," Reinelle replied. It was funny to her that amidst all the pain her body was trying to endure, her thoughts raced back to the dance at the academy. She kept replaying the moments on the dance floor, and the way René looked then.

I danced with you. I danced with you. I danced with you! She thought the sentence over and over again.


"Shh. Don't speak too much. You need rest." René lifted his hand and moved Reinelle's bangs away from her face. He seemed award at first, but when Reinelle closed her eyes under René's touch, he smiled and continued to stroke her hair. 

Reinelle could feel her heart beating faster. She told herself that her cheeks were heated because she was sweating, she was unwell, it was hot in the room. But she knew very well that the boy in front of her was leaving such an effect on her. 

"René, how badly does it hurt?"

René didn't realize Reinelle was talking about the cut running along his jawline. Reinelle didn't realize exactly René had meant, but she did know that he wasn't talking about the cut when he softly said, "It doesn't feel that great, Reinelle."

Reinelle didn't realize that René was talking about her. He was trying to tell her that it didn't feel great for him to watch the girl he loved in so much pain.

"No, I was talking about your cut," she said with a soft smile. Reinelle reached up to touch his strong jaw. Her hand rested against the cut, as of her hands would magically heal it perfectly. To René, it was like her hands were the medicine he needed.

"It . . . It's nothing compared to your condition," he said. He stared into Reinelle's concerned ruby eyes. "Really, Reinelle," René continued when Reinelle's expression grew even more worrisome. "It's nothing to worry about."

Reinelle shook her head, her hair rustling against the pillow. "I'm sure it hurts, René." 

Her hand, which had been surprisingly at ease the while time, grew stuff at René's sudden action. He sighed and held Reinelle's hand in his own, his thumb moving back and forth against Reinelle's pale skin. 

"Re . . . René?" Reinelle asked, the heat rising to her cheeks again. René just stared at her quietly, a look of admiration in his eyes. 

"Goodbye, Reinelle. I'll see you soon."

Reinelle never found out where the cut on René's jawline had come from. But she did remember the charming move René made that day. 

René lifted Reinelle's smooth hand up to his lips and gently kissed it. He gave her a gentle smile and disappeared.

But Reinelle would soon run into the charming young man again.

Seraph of the End...Spy School - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now