We Meet Again

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Reinelle's POV 

I was walking down the hall. It was quite crowded, but with new people. Boys. It was weird seeing them around. I hadn't seen real teenage boys in a while. 

I navigated my way through the crowd and turned down the foreign language hall. My next class was German. Did I mention I can speak fourteen different languages? 

I walked straight ahead, looking straight ahead. It seemed as though I was the only person in the hallway. I looked around. Nothing.

I passed Portuguese, Spanish, Hindi, Dutch, French, Hawaiian, Arabic. I was about to reach the last classroom in the hall, German, when I felt a strong hand on my shoulder. I turned around, frightened and alert, and was ready to use the choke defense move I learned when I was five. Then I saw who it was. 

Rene Simm.

"So. We meet again," he said smugly. I rolled my eyes. "If eye rolling burned calories, you would be my gym," I said. I got a smirk in response. "Do you treat every friendly person like this?" I laughed. "Ha! Friendly? No, I don't. I suppose you just got lucky." 

I turned away from him and walked ahead. I placed my hand on the doorknob, when I noticed a note on the door. 


I turned around and saw Rene behind me. Still. "Well, I must get going. I'm sure you saw the note." I walked past him, then realized he was right beside me, walking at the same pace as me. I stared ahead as I said, "Do you not have a classroom to head to?" I felt him glance at me. "You read the note, Reinelle." The realization struck me.

"Let me see your schedule, please," I said as he pulled out a neatly folded piece of paper from his coat pocket. "Here," he said. I unfolded the paper as I looked at his assigned classes. 

They were the same as mine. We were going to have every class together.

I looked at him and handed back the paper after folding it to its previous state. My hand was on the door that led to the rose garden. "Well? What are you waiting for?" I blinked. "We have every class together. Every. Single. Damn. One." He smirked at me. If I got a dollar for every time he smirked at me, I would be able to buy three SPIRIT INFUSION KITS. The ones that are supposed to "Infuse Your Booze!" Dumb stuff, if you ask me. But I guess no one did, so that's that.

"I guess we will be spending quite a bit of time together, won't we?" He pushed open the door to the rose garden. As we were walking to the wooden benches, I asked, "Do you smirk at everyone as much as you do at me?" He turned his head and cocked an eyebrow. "Me? Oh, no. I suppose you just got lucky." Then his signature smirk appeared. Again. I realized he was right. Whenever I saw him around other students, he looked quite mopey. Quiet. Pained. Depressed, even!

So then . . . why me?

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