Encounter in the Tunnels

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Megan and Reinelle walked through the Teachers Only room at the back of sublevel three. The one where they opened the door to the Circle's history. Reinelle looked at the Evapopaper in her hand that had three menacing words on it. CIRCLE OF BLOOD.

Reinelle shoved the paper in her jacket pocket, knowing that if she needed to get rid of it, she could always swallow it. That's what Evapopaper did. It evaporates in your mouth, and it's very handy! It just doesn't taste like candy.

The girls were searching through the files again, wondering if they'd find anything. They did, but it wasn't what they had anticipated.

"Hey, what's this?" Megan asked. She pointed to a light switch at the far end of the room. "I don't think we ever noticed this last time."

"Why is there a light switch over there? Isn't there one in the . . . Megan, no!" 

Reinelle knew that if the switch to light up the room was by the entrance, the other one must be some kind of lever, leading to some hidden tunnel. Before she could say not to, Megan had already pulled the switch. A small patch of tile slid disappeared beneath her, and Megan went falling.

She ran up to the spot where Megan fell and jumped in without thinking. She heard the tile slide back into place, and within seconds, Reinelle had landed on the floor, not so gracefully. Megan, on the other hand, had.

"Ow. Son of a bitch," Reinelle croaked, clutching her arm.

"Woah, Reinelle! There's a whole tunnel down here!" 

Surrounding them were shelves and shelves and more shelves filled with different books, files, papers, artifacts, and more. There were colorful stained windows that reflected the lines of the water onto the walls. The room was well lit, but looked as if no one had been in there in years.

Of course, this wouldn't be a room worthy of being in the Sanguinem Academy for Exceptional Young Women without its protective measures. The grid of lasers guarded the entire area, and they ran through the whole thing. But that seemed like a piece of cake compare to what the girls have had to do. 

Megan took her turn this time, ducking underneath the fury of the heated lines. When she reached the end of the room, she spotted a switch at one of the bookshelves. It was on the inside, in between rows of files. Megan reached in and turned the switch off. The gird disappeared, but to their surprise, something else happened.

The shelves in which Megan stuck her hand started to move, the two moving closer and closer together. Megan back away and observed with Reinelle. The shelves came closer and closer and closer together until they touched, leaving no space for a person to squeeze through. If you were in between the shelves and didn't get out fast, you were a squashed pancake.

Reinelle shared a look with Megan, their faces mirroring their surprise. The girls slowly inched forward, nearing the shelves. Reinelle backed away. 

"If we're going to need to look for something to help us, we're going to need to scan the place first," Megan remarked.

"Agreed," Reinelle replied. "I'll take the left, you take the right."

Reinelle moved closer to the left side of the shelves, careful to stay just outside their sensory areas. She scanned the shelves, trying to find something. The problem was that the shelves weren't organized. Papers were crumpled, and books were either on the ground or in the most random places. Reinelle looked behind her, seeing Megan scan the right side.


"Nope," Megan sadly said with a shake of her head. "It'd probably be much easier if this place was actually organized. I haven't found a single thing that might be useful." 

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