Over a Cup of Cocoa

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"You see here, Reinelle ..."  Reinelle leaned in and looked attentive. "Explain, my friend." She had no idea how honored Rene felt to be called a friend by her. 

"When you asked me what my school was like ... It isn't the best place. It's a place where people are taught to hate, not love. Or respect, care. It isn't a place filled with kind people. If you enter a kind person, then you leave filled with hate. It's terrible."

Reinelle sat up straight and looked out into the distance. "Rene, I want to hear more, and you are going to tell me more. But first, let's head home. It's getting cold." 

Rene got out of his seat on the swing and helped Reinelle up. The two walked down the cobblestone streets and to the main cabin, where the girls were going to spend the night. 

"Get cozy," Rene said, before walking away to his room. Reinelle realized that everyone was in their own room, worrying about their own issues. It was best not to bother them. A lot had happened. 

Reinelle quietly warmed up the stove and pulled out the ingredients to make the perfect hot cocoa. She was finished fast, having made hot cocoa for her friends several times.  She carefully poured the cocoa into the cups and set them on the coffee table coasters, heading back to wash the pot. Reinelle quickly rushed to her room, quietly opening the door. Lalynn was writing in er journal, something she did often. Kayla was laying down in her bead, watching vines. Reinelle was relieve to see they had their own ways of coping with the day's events. 

"Sorry to bother you two. I just need to change into my pajamas real quick."

"You gonna go to sleep after that?" Lalynn asked. Reinelle shook her head. 

"No," she replied. "Rene has a lot of explaining to do. I'm not letting him off the hook." Lalynn smiled at Reinelle. "Well at least make him a cup of you famous hot cocoa," she said. Reinelle gave her a small smile. "I already did," she said. Kayla looked up from her screen. "I told you, Lalynn! Reinelle has mind reading powers. Now cough up, ya bum." 

Reinelle chuckled while grabbing her lavender pajamas off the hook and slipping into them. Lalynn rolled her eyes. "Oh, shut up, Kay. No one even made a bet."

"You two can keep arguing," Reinelle said, turning the doorknob. "But keep it quiet. Some of the others are sleeping." 

Reinelle closed the door and walked into the small living room. "You comfy?" Reinelle asked. Rene nodded as he wrapped a blanket around his shoulders. Reinelle handed him a cup of cocoa. "For you," she said. Rene smiled and carefully took the mug from her hands. Reinelle held her mug and was about to sit down when Rene grabbed her hand. 

"Sit with me. Please," he said. Reinelle looked at him and saw the emotion in his eyes that he always tried to hide. She nodded and took a seat next to Rene. She wasn't sure if she should keep her distance or not, but Rene just moved closer and draped the other end of the blanket around her shoulders, adjusting it to make sure she was covered with warmth. 

"Thank you," Reinelle whispered. She sipped her hot cocoa, as did Rene. 

"Now, would you like to continue?" Reinelle looked up from her mug and at Rene expectantly. Rene nodded. 

"You won't like what I have to say, though."

Reinelle smirked. "I never like what you have to say." Rene nudged her with his elbow and Reinelle smiled. 


"Hey, Lalynn? You got a minute?" 

Lalynn kept thinking about the time she had with Lacus while Reinelle had went to find Rene. Lacus had come knocking at her door while Kayla was in Hazels's room trying to best her at one of their favorite video games. 

"Yeah sure. What is it?" Lalynn had said.

"Um, I just wanted ..."

Lalynn looked at him intently. She was driving Lacus crazy. 

"I just wanted to tell you ... about that day ... they told you ..." 

Lalynn smiled. "The day your bro Mika told me you liked me?"

Lacus stuttered. "Y-Yeah, th-that." Lalynn smiled and shook her head. "What about it?" 

Lacus seemed like he was thinking. Hard. He seemed like he was at a loss of words. Like he had prepared an entire speech, practiced it for hours, and then forgot everything. 

"I wanted to tell you ... Well, it's true." 

Lalynn smirked. "Yeah, you made it pretty obvious."  Lacus looked at her with disbelief, ten glared at her. "Did I?" Lalynn noddded. 

"Well, I ..." Lalynn smiled. "You're nervous, aren't you?" He nodded. "Aw, don't be. There's nothing to be nervous about. You like me, and ... I like you, too." 

Lacus looked at her with wide eyes, then smiled brightly. Before he or Lalynn could say anything else, Lacus ran out the door and into his own room. He was too happy to think or say something. 

Now, Lalynn sat in her bed, smiling to herself. She ran over to Kayla, plopped herself next to her, and watched vines with her. She was too happy to think. 

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