Connections All Around

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Rene knew he was in deep shit. He just knew it. And he wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to make it out. 

Reinelle felt devastated. She knew she had some sort of feelings for Rene. She wasn't sure what they were. Admiration? Love? But now she knew exactly what she was feeling. Anger. She told herself that she'd never feel anything for Rene ever again. 

"You're in the Circle," Lalynn stated coldly. She never sounded so emotionless before. It was making Lacus want to jump out of a window. 

Kai blurted, "We can explain!" 

Kayla shook her head. "What's there to explain? You're in the Circle of Conaghan. Are we wrong?" 

Kai swallowed hard and looked at the ground. Lennox was the same. He didn't seem to have any reaction. It was as if . . .

"I'm not surprised," Lennox mumbled. Every head turned to him. 

"Pardon me?" Reinelle asked. Lennox finally looked up and shook his head. 

"You poor boys. You probably had no idea." The boys looked at so grateful that someone understood what they had went through. The girls looked at Lennox for further explanation. 

"The Circle has a history of recruiting young boys. Especially from the Institute. They have Circle members infiltrate the walls of the school and pretend to give school assignments that are really missions to fulfill the Circle's agendas. By the time the boys realize what they're doing, it's too late."

Lennox sighed sadly and looked at those young boys. He locked eyes with Rene. 

"Rene." Rene raised a brow at Lennox. "Tell me, what kinds of things do they teach you at the Institute?" 

Rene swallowed hard and looked at his fellow brothers. Something told him Lennox already knew the answer. Lacus, Gordan, Mika, Kai, Trident, Jamie, Noah. None of them could look him in the eye, but he could feel it in his bones. There was a feeling a sympathy coming from them. 

"The Institute ensures extensive knowledge about guns . . ." Rene trailed off. He couldn't say more. He didn't want to. 

"And?" Lennox pressed. Rene looked down at his hand and watched himself twiddle with his thumbs. He took a deep breath ad looked Lennox in the eyes. 

"And various forms of torture." 

Reinelle's eyes grew wide. Torture?! She couldn't believe her ears. She suddenly understood why Rene was hesitant to take her to his school It was all clear now. No one would want to go to a school that hides cruelty behind its walls. 

Those boys had been lied to their entire lives, and now they were being looked down upon for it. It just wasn't fair to them. Reinelle sighed and looked over at Rene, not wanting to hold his pained gaze. She wanted to go him and just hug him. He seemed so sad. Like he just needed a shoulder to cry on. Nineteen years of tears finally needed to come out. 

Rene looked over to Madison and sighed. He hated her so much. He gave her an evil glare and looked away when she gave him a sickeningly happy smile. It was too much, having to be in the same room as the woman who taught him to hate. 

"Aw, Rene, my dear son." Rene flinched. Madison let out that bitter giggle and smiled at Rene. "You look just like your father." 

Rene's gaze snapped over to Madison, his eyes wide with pain.

Madison looked over to Lennox with some mischievous smile on her face, a smirk that said "I know something you don't." That's the only way Rene resembled Madison. She laughed and nodded when she saw Lennox look at her in confusion. 

"Ah, yes," she said. "He looks just like you." 

Seraph of the End...Spy School - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now