Another Thing Coming

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Madison Simm. She wasn't easily likeable. Only her fellow partners in crime thought she was an angel, but everyone else? Well, let's just say that not even her son looked up to her. 

Madison was ready to attack those little Sanguinem devils that were in the way of her plans, even thinking that she could destroy all of them in less than five minutes.

But Sanguinem girls never go down without a fight. Never. 


Madison turned around in a panic when she saw two girls fly on top of her Zillana bit her shoulder, and Giselle kicked Madison in the back. Madison had another thing coming.

Madison cried out in pain as Lalynn swiped her foot under Madison, making her fall backwards. Lalynn pinned her down, making sure she wouldn't get the chance to strike back, and shouted at Kayla.

"Kayla, the rope!" 

Reinelle hadn't noticed before that Kayla always had some sort of strange item on her at the most random times. Today it was rope. She didn't know where she had kept it, but Reinelle watched in shock as Kayla grabbed the rope and threw it to Lalynn. She took it, uncoiled the rope, and bound Madison's wrists and feet together. 

"You're not getting away this time, asshole." she spat, before punching Madison once more, knocking her unconscious.

Madison woke up in a small cabin, very cozy looking. She felt her head hang and she realized how drowsy she was, her head throbbing, her sweaty hair hanging in her face.

"I see you're awake." Rene stood at a distance from her with the others. It was funny how far he was from his own mother. His voice was full of venom. Reinelle was standing next to Rene, not daring to make eye contact with him. It seemed that whenever his mother was around, he started to become short with others, his mood suddenly sour. 

"Ah, yes, my dear--" Madison's false kindness was cut short. 

"Why were you out at the tunnels?" Rene was growing impatient already. His face was clearly showing frustration.  Reinelle backed into the wall, she felt that afraid of the angry Rene in front of her. 

Madison looked at Rene for a minute and gave that evil smirk. Rene would punch the wall behind him, but he was afraid he was scaring Reinelle.

"Rene, my dear. These girls should be the one being asked that question. Not me. I only came out when I heard the gunshot."

Madison acted so innocent, but Rene wasn't having it. Until he realized Madison had said 'gunshot.' 


Every boy in the room turned to the girls for an explanation. Reinelle looked down and shifted her feet.

"Where is Madame Kennedy?" Lennox asked. His face was covered with concern. 

Lalynn looked over at  Reinelle and could see the sadness on her face, the anger in her eyes.  "She was . . ." Lalynn gulped. 

"Spit out, love," Madison smirked. Lalynn decided she liked the knocked out Madison more than the one in front of her. Lalynn shot her a glare and turned back to Rene. 

"Dougal shot her." Reinelle finished for Lalynn with no emotion. Her eyes were trained on her feet. Rene realized how much he wanted to comfort her. 

"Is she . . ." Kai asked, but trailed off. He didn't want to push Reinelle too far. 

"No. Well . . . we don't know. She was taken to the hospital. She was still breathing when they put her on the stretcher." 

"And Dougal?" Rene questioned. Reinelle looked u with fiery eyes. 

"He's dead."

Lalynn looked at Rene, who looked like that wasn't the answer he was expecting but wanted to hear more. 

"Reinelle shot him."

Everyone froze. The words seemed like they were having a hard time being processed. Especially for Rene. He seemed he most shocked. 

"You . . . shot him? What was he doing in the tunnel?" 

Reinelle pulled out a piece of paper from her back pocket. "This," she said, gesturing to the paper in her hand, "is what he wanted. The lyrics." 

Rene seemed to be piecing the puzzle together in his mind. "Dougal was a part of the Circle, wasn't he?" 

Reinelle gulped and nodded. She stood still and observed the people around her. Lacus, Kai, Trident, Mika, Rene, Jamie, Gordan, Noah, Lennox. Lalynn, Kayla, Hazel, Misaki, Megan, Giselle, and Zillana. Each one of them looked uncomfortable, scared, shocked, and confused. 

Madison didn't help when she decided that she should open her mouth. When Lalynn knocked Madison out, Misaki had taken a special drug she had developed and convinced the girls to let her use it on Madison. It ensured that Madison stayed knocked out for a while. Sadly, it was wearing off, and side effects included constant rambling. But the girls soon realized Madison wasn't spouting nonsense this time. 

"You boys sure are good at pretending you didn't know about Dougal." Madison let out a laugh that left shivers down everyone's spine. 

Lacus shared a look with Rene, who suddenly couldn't face anyone in the room. Reinelle caught on and looked directly at Rene. The girls knew that Madison was hinting at something. 

"Rene . . . what is she talking about?" Reinelle leaned forward, expecting a response. She crossed her arms impatiently. Rene glared at his mother from the side and had the urge to just run out the front door of their safe house. 

"I . . ." Rene hardly ever trailed off from a sentence. He knew he appeared guilty now.

Madison laughed again, her eyes wide with amusement. "Ha! I never thought I'd hear you sound nervous, dear," she cackled, earning a death glare from Rene. He hated getting called "dear" by his mother. It just reminded him that he was the son of a woman who taught him to hate and kill. 

"Reinelle, my dear, I'm shocked you haven't seen it yet. These lovely gents work with me!" Madison's shrill laughter pierced through the atmosphere as all the Sanguinem Academy girls stood straighter. Reinelle could feel her blood boiling, her fists clenching, her cheeks burning. She couldn't believe it. 

The Sanguinem Institute boys were members of a terrorist organization. The Circle of Conaghan.

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