The Head of Terror

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Reinelle's stare fiery stare remained on René as his hateful gaze was set upon his mother.

"What are you doing here?" René asked the woman, completely ignoring Reinelle. Reinelle had a feeling his mother wasn't a good person. 

"Can I not visit my son? I missed you so much," the woman said. Her laugh sent chills up Reinelle's spine. She watched René step away from his mom.

"I wish I could say the same."

The woman's eyes burned with rage for a split second, her insane smile faded. But then she turned around and plastered that same smile on her face as she stared at Reinelle and moved closer.

"Ah, how rude of me. My name is Madison Simm, dearie," the woman said. Reinelle didn't shake Madison's outstretched hand. She moved closer. René tensed up and took a step towards his mother.

"Stay away from her," he warned. His eyes became filled with rage.

"I won't hurt her, sweetheart," Madison said. René scowled at the word 'sweetheart.' "I just want to get to know her."

Madison cupped Reinelle's cheek, stroking it with her thumb. Reinelle's eyes cut to René, pleading for help. "My my, what a beauty," she said. Reinelle looked at the floor. 

"It's no wonder my son likes you so much." 

Reinelle's eyes widened as she stared at Madison, who's eyes were on René. René scratched his neck and looked at the floor, tapping his foot nervously.

"Aww, you two are getting shy! How cute," Madison said. Her psycho laugh was back. René's angry form returned in an instant.

"I think it's time for you to leave," René said.

"Oh, why so soon? We barely got to catch up!" Madison's head tilted to ththe side, mock sadness plastered on her face. She smiled when René said nothing, his glare icy.

"Fine," she said, a sigh escaping her lips. "I guess if you don't want to spend time with your mother . . ." Madison chuckled and ruffled Reinelle's hair. 

"I'll see you soon, sweetie."

Then Madison disappeared into the dark corridors of Anabelle's fallen kingdom. Reinelle shuddered at the thought of seeing Madison again. René stared at the door, his eyes now soft. But his hands were clenched into fists. 

"Come on. We need to go," René said. He grabbed Reinelle's hand and held it tight, as if Madison was still around and he needed to protect her.

Reinelle followed, her dark ponytail swinging around as she eyes the different parts of the corridor. The same words kept echoing in her head.

I'll see you soon, sweetie.

But there was another phrase in the back of her head.

It's no wonder my son likes you so much.



"Back there . . ." Reinelle trailed off and kept her mouth shut.

"Listen, Reinelle." Reinelle looked up to see René's hair blowing a bit in his face as they finally reached the grassy outdoors. 

"I'm listening," she replied.

"I didn't tell you about my mother because I didn't want you to meet her. I wish she had not shown up."

"Your mom seems . . . nice," Reinelle joked. René chuckled, a rare thing indeed. Then he stopped. They were almost to the castle, but still in the middle of a grassy field. René looked around and then gazed into Reinelle's shiny ruby red eyes.

"Reinelle, promise me you'll watch your back. Madison is dangerous. The head of terror."

"The head of terror . . . I feel like I've heard that before," Reinelle said. René sighed.

"Look in your book. The Circle book. Now promise me, Reinelle. Please."

René's eyes were pleading. Reinelle smiled. "I promise."

Madison Simm was a name Reinelle would never forget.

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