A Father's Clues

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Raphael Simmone was a smart and disciplined man. He served as a loving husband to his dear wife Rebecca, and wonderful father for his daughter Reinelle.

The death of his wife on an Interpol mission devastated him, although he kept himself together for his daughter. 

Raphael had very rigorous training. He actually attended the Sanguinem Institution for Boys. There, he made many friends and got the best training for his future career as an Interpol agent.

But he took with him a mystery that had led to his disappearance.

Reinelle sat alone in her room, laying on her bed. Lalynn had gone to the library to quickly grab a few books.

As Reinelle flipped through the pages in her father's journal, she felt a pit of sorrow grow in her stomach. She hung onto such a thin and frail string of hope that her father was still alive.

Reinelle stopped flipping the pages to start reading one of them. 

June 5, 1986,

I'm worried about D.S. I'm not sure what's going on in his head. He doesn't make eye contact with anyone he has a conversation with. He looks nervous and scared. He has a sullen disposition. Something's happened to him.


Reinelle ran over the first sentence repeatedly. 

D.S. D.S. D.S.

Who is . . .?

Reinelle was about to break from confusion, when it hit her. 

Daniel Stevenson. D.S.

Reinelle flipped to another page and read. 

June 17, 1986,

D.S. has gone insane! He was mumbling in his sleep, something that started with C. I tried waking him up, and it worked. But he picked up a knife and nearly attacked me before he realized that it was just me. He's been seeming kind of guilty.


Reinelle flipped through more of the pages, realizing they were all about Stevenson's strange actions. But then she saw one that made Reinelle shiver.

September 28, 2015,

Someone needs to tell Bec. R.S tried to help me, and now he's disappeared. They've sent search teams out to find him, but he hasn't turned up. I'm afraid. I have an idea of who might've taken him, and I don't like it.


Stevenson had written this entry.For one, I t was 2015. 2015 was the year Raphael disappeared. And two, the penmanship was much better.

Reinelle shut the book, not wanting to remember the day her father disappeared. But as she was closing it, she caught a glimpse of the words on the last page. They were just messily written, not seeming to have meaning. 

Monsters in the dark 

Lurk around the park

Those who want to be stars

Watch hatefully from afar

In the heart of green 

That was all. The rest of the page had been torn. That can't be it, Reinelle thought. There had to be more.

Reinelle tore the page -- or at least what was left of it -- out of the book. She rewrote the lyrics on a piece of Evapopaper and put it in her drawer. She pinned the other one to the wall.

There was a meaning to those lyrics. And on top of that, there were more. They were hidden.

It dawned on her that Raphael had left these clues for Reinelle, in the case of his disappearance. And it was up to her to carry on his mission.

Seraph of the End...Spy School - DISCONTINUEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें