The Notorious Simm

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The head of terror.

Those words rang through Reinelle's head whenever she thought back to Madison Simm. Reinelle's interesting mother. 

The quiet girl sat in her room inside Madame Kennedy's safe house, staring at the pages of a familiar book. This one was her largest. Lalynn sat across from her on her bed, curiously gazing over at Reinelle. 

"What're ya doin'?" Lalynn peered over Reinelle's shoulder. Reinelle swatted Lalynn away with her hand, her eyes never leaving the pages in front of her. Lalynn giggled. 

"Really, though. What're you looking for, buddy?"

Reinelle mumbled, "Madison Simm. I've heard that name somewhere before."

Lalynn sighed. "Give me that," she ordered, snatching the book from Reinelle's hand. The Circle of Conaghan.  "Madison Simm, you said?" Lalynn asked before Reinelle could yell at her. "Hmm. I feel like I've herd that name, too."

Reinelle started to zone out while Lalynn flipped through the book. Reinelle was the master of zoning out.

"REINELLE!" Reinelle shook her head and jumped slightly when Lalynn tackled her from behind. "You good? You looked a lil deranged there," Lalynn said, her eyes showing concern.

"Yeah, I'm just peachy. You got it?" Reinelle asked, her eyes on the book. It had been flipped open to a specific page, one titled: The Head of Terror. Reinelle felt a chill run up her spine. 

"Sure do," Lalynn replied. Her finger landed on the first word of a small paragraph. "Take a look at this." Reinelle took the book from Lalynn's hands and read the words carefully.

The Circle still exists today. Every agency in the Department of Defense is doing their best to eliminate as many members as possible. And yet no one has caught the head of terror. Madison Simm.

Reinelle's eyes grew wide. "The head of terror . . . Madison Simm? Lalynn, did I read that right?" Lalynn gave her a sad nod.

"So you know what that means. Right?" Lalynn asked. Reinelle nodded. Lalynn chuckled. "Oh good! Because I don't." She gave her best friend a big smile. Normally Reinelle would've given her a slight smirk or she'd roll her eyes. But Reinelle wasn't in the mood at that moment.

Reinelle threw herself off the comfort of her bed, her feet pacing, mind racing. "It means, Lalynn, that Madison Simm is the head of the Circle of Conaghan. René's mom."

Lalynn gasped. "What? No way!"

"Yes way."

"I told you, Reinelle! René's always seemed shady to me." Lalynn and Reinelle suddenly jumped back when the door to their room burst open and Megan came running in. She jumped onto Reinelle's bed, laying on her stomach.

"Can we help you, Megan?" 

Megan smiled. "I heard Lalynn say that René's always seemed shady when j was passing by. I just thought you guys were dissing him or something so I wanted to join. Cracker?" Lalynn laughed as Megan held a small package of crackers out to her.

"Megan, don't leave any crumbs on my sheets." Megan laughed at Reinelle.

"You got it, mom!" Lalynn and Megan laughed, holding their half eaten crackers in the air.

Reinelle shook her head and looked out the window. The cabin was cozy, and it was easy to get a good view of the green hills in the distance. The sunshine was lighting up the flowers peeking out from the grass, which was blowing in the wind. But Reinelle couldn't enjoy that scene. 

Not when the head of the Circle had been within her grasp, and she did nothing about it.

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