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Reinelle stood at the entrance of Sanguinem Academy for Exceptional Young Women. 

Two black bags were resting on the cold marble floor on either side of her. They held her belongings and necessities for a long trip to come. Her friends Lalynn, Kayla, Misaki, Hazel, Megan, Zillana, and Giselle stood with her, sad that they were going to see their friend leave them.

"Nel, do you have to leave by yourself?" Lalynn asked. He voice was filled with worry. If that wasn't enough, her entire face was, too. "At least let us come with you."

Reinelle tore her eyes away from the blue sky outside the large doors and turned to face her friends. "I have to, Lay. This is a job I need to do myself." Lalynn sighed and closed her eyes. Her friends felt the same worry as Lalynn had for Reinelle. 

*A Few Days Earlier*

Reinelle sat down in the empty library with her eyes glued to a computer screen. She searched for tickets to Ireland, knowing that she would need to leave quickly if she wanted to get there before the Circle. First the Code Black, then the attack on the rooftop of La Vie, and now the missing Intelligence Exams. Reinelle had a feeling everything was tied together. 

She found a ticket online going from Tokyo to Ireland for $924. She bought a train ticket for a trip to Tokyo from Sanguinem and was ready. Reinelle always kept a separate fund for traveling, in case the worst or the best happened. Reinelle set off to tell Madame Kennedy everything she'd found, and that she needed her support in going to Ireland. 

Madame Kennedy was surprisingly supportive of this decision. She said she'd make something up for the staff. But the fact that Reinelle was going alone? She had a bad feeling about that. Patricia tried convincing Reinelle to at least let her, or even Lalynn to go with her. But she refused. Reinelle was so determined to solve this historical mystery. 

*Back to Present Day*

Lalynn looked at Kayla, who had become strangely silent at the sight of her friend at the entrance of the doors. Kayla looked so sad, but she didn't bother trying to convince Reinelle to let them accompany her. Reinelle looked into the eyes of her friends, realizing they seemed to have a sorrowful air around them. The first bell of the day rang, signaling the girls to head to their classes. 

And yet her friends stayed grounded, staring back at her.

The girls of Sanguinem Academy flooded the halls, and it seemed like no one noticed that the eight girls standing completely still at the doors. The world seemed to be still in that small section of the giant school.

"You guys should get going," Reinelle advised. "The bell rang." 

Kayla smiled. "That's okay. We can be late."

Reinelle sighed and gave Kayla a 'Don't be Stupid' look. Kayla laughed. Reinelle was like the motherly figure for all of them. She was always taking care of them and trying to help them, look out for them. Kayla giggled. 

Reinelle sighed. She looked all her friends in the eyes as she moved closer. Her friends all came in and gave her a huge hug, causing Reinelle to strain for breath. She smiled and embraced her friends back. Reinelle was glad she'd always have them close to her.

She pulled away from her friends and looked at the doors. Reinelle picked up her bags, lifting her right arm that had the lighter load and resting her hand on the door.

She sighed and closed her eyes. She felt pain in her gut. So much sadness. She didn't intend to be gone for too long. A week at most. But the fact that she was leaving her closest friends, the girls she had lived with for more than four years  . . . It was too much for her. 

But Reinelle was determined to put an end to the Circle for her parents. 

Reinelle sighed, pushed open the door, and turned around one last time. Her friends were holding onto each other, watching their friend leave without anyone to accompany her. 

Reinelle's flashed them a small sad smile and gave them a wave. They waved back, and with that, Reinelle was out the door and welcomed by the outside world.

Reinelle was off on her new adventure.

Seraph of the End...Spy School - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now