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"Megan, get up!"

"No!" Megan shouted from under her covers.

Giselle groaned. "Reinelle's in trouble! Lalynn and Madame Kennedy aren't in their rooms, and their coats are gone, so get the hell out of bed and get your co--"

"Alright, done." Megan was at the doorway with her coat on, a flashlight and a knife in her pocket.

"Are you . . .? Never mind." Giselle walked past her and tried to ignore her extreme bed head. 

"Am I what? Giselle?" Megan asked as they walked to th front door of the safe house. The two continued bickering as the girls walked out the door and stood out on the welcome mat.

"Well, I know we have to hurry and all, but, uh, how're we gonna find em?" Kayla asked.

The girls scratched their heads and looked around, until they heard a loud shot come from a few blocks down.

"Like that," Misaki said. She pointed in the direction of the shot and started running. The girls followed, going as fast as their legs would take them. Soon enough, they found the tunnel and Madame Kennedy with her gun raised. 

The girls stayed back and hid along the sides of the tunnel. Misaki's knife was out and ready in her hand, the blade ready to cut through any threat. Hazel was hiding behind her, her ears pressed against the metal wall of the tunnel. 

"Hazel, you really think you're gonna need to do that? I can hear em just fine and I'm all the way back here," Kayla whisper-yelled. 



"Shut up, will ya?" 

Kayla glared at Hazel while the rest of the girls carefully prepared to fight. "Let her go, Dougal," they heard Madame Kennedy say. The girls froze.

"Come on, Pat. I thought you'd get it by now. Lyrics first."

Lalynn was standing still with the knife in her hand behind the bush. Dougal couldn't see her, but the girls could. "Lalynn!" Lalynn turned her head and saw the girls and came running to them without Dougal seeing. 

"Thank you're here. Reinelle needs our help," Lalynn said.

"Yeah, where is she?" Giselle asked.

"Dougal has her. They're inside the tunnel. He has a gun to her head."

The girls nearly walked right in that tunnel and attacked Dougal, but Lalynn reminded them they needed to be strategic. 

"Okay. I say we form a plan. Right now, Madame Kennedy is trying to get Reinelle free . . . but it's not going too well. So we're gonna need a distraction." Lalynn looked at everyone without needing to say a word. 

"I'll take care of it. Misaki can help me," Hazel said.

Lalynn smiled. "Great! Okay, Misaki. You go in there and just make some snarky remarks. Make yourself a target. Then, when Dougal's not focused on all his surroundings, we attack. But let's get the details of the plan worked out first."

Reinelle tried not to pay much attention on the cold metal against the back of her head. But she realized it was a lot harder when that cold metal is capable of blowing your head off.

"Dougal. I'm warning you. Just let her go." Patricia tried to sound like she was in control.

"Mr. Dougal," Reinelle calmly said. "Or can I call you Carter? Carter? Dougal? Doug? Cart? Shopping Cart? Which one?"

"Shut up!" Dougal snapped. Reinelle snickered. 

"No need to get snappy, Carter," Reinelle said. "I think Carter's good for now."

Dougal was getting distracted, Patricia could tell. She expected more from a member of the Circle. And then she saw . . . Misaki.

"Hiya, Mr. Dougal! Heard you're an Interpol agent," Misaki said from behind Dougal. She coughed and mumbled, "And a Circle member."

"Who are you?" Dougal asked her, not taking his eyes off Patricia. 

"Name's Misaki. At your service," she said, taking a dramatic bow. Too dramatic. She lost her balance and fell over. But Misaki was already up and back to distracting. She walked up to Dougal and said, "Uh, I see you have a gun to my friend's head. You know that's dangerous, right? Do you mind . . . uh . . just a second, Nel."

Misaki was trying to lower Dougal's arm. When she realized his arm wouldn't budge, she tried to pry the gun out of his hands. She wasn't winning the battle. Reinelle looked at Madame Kennedy--who looked just as confused as Dougal--and shrugged. Dougal was just looking at Misaki with an offended look, as if he was insulted by her very presence.

Then Hazel came in. 

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!" Hazel came in screaming at the top of her lungs, her legs cutting through the air at full speed. She latched onto Dougal's back and strangled him. Dougal dropped the gun and Reinelle whipped around and grabbed it.  Reinelle hid the gun under her shirt and ran out of the tunnel.

Kayla ran up to Reinelle and hugged her. "Man, I thought we were actually gonna lose ya! Now come on, we gotta help em."

Reinelle walked into the tunnel and saw Megan and Zillana casually attacking Dougal who was giving his best. And his best was . . . incredible. Carter kicked Megan in the stomach and threw Zillana aside. Madame Kennedy turned around and shoved Lalynn into Reinelle. 

"Hide." Madame Kennedy looked at both of them with a serious look.

"What? Why can't we stay and fight?" Lalynn argued.

"Do you see how many of us there are?" Patricia asked.

"Do you see how many of us are getting their asses beat?" Reinelle countered. Madame Kennedy gave her a 'Language!" look. Reinelle slumped her shoulders. "Sorry," she mumbled.

"Go back to the safe house and stay there. Do you hear me?"

"Bu-" Lalynn started. 

"No buts! Go!" Lalynn and Reinelle looked at each other and nodded.

"Stay safe, Aunt Pat," Reinelle said.

"Don't worry. We'll come back safe. No go." Patricia gave Reinelle a reassuring smile and turned around, grabbing her gun and charging back into the tunnel. Reinelle and Lalynn were running back to the safe house.

"I'm sure they'll be okay," Lalynn said after a few minutes of walking down the street. 

Reinelle smacked her in the back of her head. "Shh! Don't say things will be okay. That's how things go bad."

Lalynn gave her a funny look. "What kind of logic is that?"

"It's my logic. Now help me hold knives." Reinelle started digging through her sleeves.

"What? Knives, as in the plural form of knife?" Lalynn asked. Reinelle pulled out two knives from her sleeves. "Yes. Knives."

Reinelle handed the two knives to Lalynn and stopped on the side of the quiet and empty road. She squatted and dug through her left boot and pulled out a knife, along with one from the right boot. 

"Here. Keep these with you in case we end up needing them." Lalynn gave Reinelle a strange look while holding four knives. 

"What about you?"

"Oh, don't worry. I have some more in my pocket."

Lalynn helped Reinelle up and smacked her arm. "How many knives do you have?" 

"Well, I usually have four on me, but today I brought six. I just wanted to go out for a night walk. I did not want this to happen."

Lalynn gave her best friend a sweet smile. "It'll be fine."

Right after that came the gunshot.

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