A Ball?!

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Kayla's POV

The loud speaker went off. A voice on the intercom came on. 


I am intrigued.

{Time Skip to Lunch}

I was sitting at the usual table, with Misaki, Hazel, Reinelle, and Lalynn. We were eating while discussing what the announcement might be. 

"I feel like it has something to do with the boys," said Misaki. I nodded, and Reinelle said, "Oh, for sure."

Suddenly, Madame Kennedy, the Culture and Assimilation (C&A) teacher, walked up to the podium at the front of the room. The room went silent, and the boys and girls went completely silent.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for quieting down without my command. As many of you know, it was said that there is to be a special announcement here. I am here to give it." 

Some murmurs went up in the room. 

"Is someone in trouble?"

"What'd the boys do?"

"What's happening?"

"Is there some event?"

"A lecture?"

So many theories were heard around the room, all ones with horrible consequences. I looked at Reinelle and Lalynn, who shrugged at me. Hazel was glaring at one of the boys across the table, and Misaki was looking around worriedly. 

"Silence, please." Madame Kennedy continued quietly. "I'm sure all of you are getting nervous, but I assure you. The news is just grand." A wave of relief washed away the tension in the room immediately. 

"So. We have gentlemen at this school. We also have young ladies at this school." Confusion entered everyone's minds.

"As all of you know, we are learning about different waltzes, and how they are done. This is for a reason. We, and by we I mean every staff member, have decided that it would be just grand for us to host . . . "

It seemed like every body in the room leaned forward ever so slightly. 

"A ball!" 

The whole room burst into conversation and squealing. Several of the buys in the room looked confused, while others were grinning and whispering to their friends. I looked at some of the girls I knew to hear them screaming with excitement. I looked over to my friends.

"A ball?" Hazel asked. "A ball," Misaki replied. Reinelle looked confused. 

"Wait. So we're going to have to dance. With a dude. In front of people." I nodded. "It won't be that bad. I mean, everyone will pay attention to themselves and do their own thing." She nodded. "Yeah . . . I suppose. Not like I'm gonna get asked by a dude or anything." Lalynn slapped her arm.

"Of course you are! Don't look now, but there's . . ." Lalynn and the rest of us leaned in together as she lowered her voice and said, "A certain someone eyeing ya right now." She pointed to the boys across from us.

Reinelle perked up and turned to look in their direction. Lalynn smacked her again. "I said don't look now!" She shook her head, and I saw Rene eyeing Reinelle pretty hard. I laughed, and Reinelle looked back at us, a light blush on her face. 

"Naaaaaaaaaah . . . " was all she said. We all laughed.

"Wait, hold up," I said. They all turned to face me. "What about our dresses? We don't have any, so what're we gonna do?" 

Just then, Madame Kennedy leaned in to the mic and said, "Good question, Ms. Kayla." My friends held back their laughter, and I stared at Madame Kennedy with wide eyes. 

"Girls, all of you shall be fitted whenever you have my class, so in the next two days, every lady shall e fitted. You will get to see Madame Sarela and look through the dresses available. We have a large variety. The same process goes for you, gentlemen. Only, Mr. Turner shall get you boys fitted. Capisce?" 

"Capisco," the whole room chimed. 

Later that day, we went to our dorms. Every girl I passed was chatting on about the ball, her dress, or some boy.

I walked over to my room and plopped down on the bed, my thoughts blocking every noise outside. In the end, I only asked myself one question.

"Will any boy want to dance with me?"

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