On the Rooftop

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Reinelle turned around quickly when she heard footsteps behind her. Lalynn's eyes opened wide when she saw two figures in black.

The figures had nothing to fight with, really, except for their own strength. Reinelle thought the whole thing was just a test at first, but that changed very quickly.

One of them, who appeared to be a woman, lunged straight for Reinelle. The woman tackled her to the ground. Lalynn panicked, and immediately knew that this wasn't a test. 

Lalynn saw another figure, presumably a man, try to take a shot at her. Lalynn dodged him and kicked him in the back. The man went skidding across the roof, nearly hanging off of the edge. He quickly got up and hit the side of Lalynn's head. 

Meanwhile, Reinelle was struggling to get the woman off of her. Reinelle grabbed he woman's wrist and twisted it, causing the woman to back off of her. Reinelle quickly got to her feet and grabbed whatever she could to fend off the attackers. 

Lalynn saw a small metal crowbar resting by the door to the elevators. She kicked the man once more, but this time in the gut. He doubled over, and she took the chance to grab the crowbar. The woman saw her and tried to run for Lalynn, but Reinelle stopped her. 

Reinelle swiped her right foot under the woman's leg, and she fell backward. Reinelle took her foot and stomped on the woman's throat, trying to get her to give up. But this lady had another plan.

The woman grabbed Reinelle's leg and flipped her over. Reinelle was back at the start. Lalynn saw the man get up, and she punched his face. She ran past him, but felt his arm grab her by the neck. Lalynn wheezed, but saw her best friends getting punched in the face. 

Lalynn's hands formed into fists. She tossed the crowbar. "Reinelle!" Lalynn screamed. Lalynn hoped her mic had picked up the sound, but then she saw two small black chips on the ground. The ear pieces. The lights were off, too, meaning no one could hear. 

Lalynn tried to wriggle out of the man's grasp, but to no avail. She bit the man's wrist and heard a cry of pain. Lalynn didnt pay attention to the voice.

"Reinelle!" Lalynn's ushed over and kicked the woman in her side. Reinelle used the crowbar and rammed it in the woman's leg. Reinelle watched the blood flow from the woman's leg. The woman cried out and tried to get the metal out, but Reinelle punched the woman hard. That was when she saw it.

There was a ring on the woman's middle finger. A circle of knives with a single eye inside.

The Circle of Conaghan.

"Lalynn! It's the--!" Reinelle tried to tell Lalynn that the Circle was attacking them, but a foot made contact with her back. Reinelle fell forward. Lalynn screamed. She charged forward and jumped on top of the man. She clawed at his shoulder blades, tearing bits of the black suit. 

"I've had about enough of you, bastard!" She yelled.

Reinelle got up quickly and threw the man across the roof, his body flying and hitting the elevator doors with full force. Reinelle saw the woman get up with the bloody crowbar in her hands. She staggered forward. Reinelle grabbed a small orange cart and took the mop out of it, tossing it to Lalynn. 

Reinelle pushed the cart and watched it roll. She was waiting for a painful effect, but instead, the cart slowed down and gently brushed the woman's leg before stopping all together.

"Well . . ." Reinelle said. Lalynn shook her head.

Lalynn threw herself at the woman and jammed the mop handle in her stomach, making the woman fall back in pain. Reinelle grabbed the crowbar and jammed it into her other leg.

Reinelle was about to peel that woman's mask off, when she stopped suddenly. The woman shouted the words that would change Reinelle's life forever.

"Get her!"

Reinelle heard a blood curdling shriek. She turned around and saw Lalynn on the floor, clutching her arm in pain. The man had twisted it. 

"Lalynn!" Reinelle screamed for her best friend. She watched the man grab Lalynn's neck, she watched Lalynn's weakened body try to fight back. 

Reinelle watched Lalynn go unconscious.

Reinelle grew even more angry. She swing the mop Lalynn had dropped and hit the man's head. She tried to fight the woman who seemed to be unbeatable.

Only to be stopped by an excruciatingly painful to the head.

Reinelle felt herself grow unsteady on her feet, and she started to sway. She felt her body hit the cement rooftop, and she her vision become blurred. 

The last things she saw were her blood spreading from her body into the cement, and her unconscious best friend.

Everything after that was black.

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