The Victims

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"What the hell was that?" Lalynn exclaimed. Reinelle turned around in a panic. Her eyes were wide, her body stiff.

"That was a fucking gunshot."

Lalynn stood still. "A . . . g-gun . . . shot?" She started to sweat and shake. Reinelle carefully grabbed the knife hidden in her back pocket.

"That shot could only mean three things. One, that could've been accidental gunfire, and the bullet could've left the, unharmed. Two, Dougal took the bullet. Three . . ." Reinelle trailed off and inhaled sharply. "Three . . . One of our friends took the bullet, instead."

Reinelle took off, bolting through the dark streets of Ireland with Lalynn following close behind. They reached the tunnel in no time, only to find their friends in a circle. 

"Call an ambulance, Kayla!" Reinelle saw Kayla's shaky hand grab her phone and dial 911. Reinelle scanned the circle, trying to get a glimpse of who was laying in the middle. 

Lalynn shook Reinelle and saw Dougal on his side, lying in pain. He had a bloodied hand grasping the side of his stomach. He had been hurt badly, but wasn't the victim. 

Reinelle scanned the tunnel and realized one person was missing. Reinelle rushed to her friends, and saw the expression of fear on their faces morph into shock, then pity.

"Nel, were so sorry . . ." Zillana said. She put her hand on Reinelle's shoulder. Reinelle brushed her hand off and stood still as the girls slowly moved away. Reinelle dropped the knife in her hand and fell to her knees. The missing person was on the floor in a pool of their own blood.

"Aunt Pat!" Reinelle cried, her hands shaking. She looked into Patricia's pained half lidded eyes and felt the tears forming. Reinelle looked at Patricia's wound. The blood was spreading across her shirt, making it impossible to see the original color. Reinelle cried and moved Patricia's hair out of her face.

"Reinelle . . ." Patricia groaned. Reinelle's tears slipped down her cheeks. "Aunt Pat," she said. "Was it Dougal?" Patricia nodded, then gave a slight smirk. Reinelle could see the pain grow in her eyes. 

"My blood smells pretty good, eh?" Reinelle smiled and then cried harder. She could hear the sounds of the girls' feet frantically running in and out of the tunnel. Reinelle saw Patricia start to close her eyes.

"Aunt Pat, no! Stay with me! Please, stay . . ." Reinelle dropped her head onto Patricia's, her hands desperately clutching Kennedy's arm. Patricia looked into the distance and saw the sight of red and blue lights. She heard the sirens wailing. And then it started to get blurry. She saw a pair of feet rush up to her.

Things were starting to get blurry and Kennedy knew she had little time. Reinelle sobbed at her feet. Patricia struggled to hang onto her life. She'd fight to stay alive. But she had to reassure Reinelle. She had to. 

"I'll . . . be . . . okay," Patricia groaned. 

Kennedy felt herself get picked up and put onto a stretcher. Reinelle watched her aunt get carried away and rolled into the back of the ambulance. A tall man with a thick Irish accent stood next to Reinelle. "She'll be alright, lassie. We'll make sure she stays alive for ye." Reinelle watched the man walk away and step into the ambulance. She watched the lights disappear and heard the sirens grow quiet.

Megan and Lalynn slowly approached a shaking Reinelle. Reinelle stood in shock, her hands clawing at her hair. She weeped and weeped until she had no tears left. Reinelle looked up, her eyes changing from pained to fiery. Lalynn knew what was in her head.

"Reinelle, don't-" Lalynn was cut off by Reinelle shouting, "That son of a bitch!"

Reinelle rushed to the gun, not thinking twice. Megan was wondering how the Irish men could've missed Dougal. It was dark, she thought. Then she was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Dougal pleading for his life. 

"No! Please, it wasn't my fault!" 

The girls watched in fear as they saw their friend who was sobbing hopelessly just ten seconds ago standing over Dougal with a gun in her hand. The gun Dougal had used to shoot Kennedy.

"I knew I should've picked it up when I dropped it," Misaki shakily said. Hazel clutched her shoulders and watched in fear as Reinelle raged with a cocked gun in her hand. Reinelle's shaking hands had suddenly become steady. 

Dougal's eyes grew wide as he saw Reinelle raise the gun and point it at his head. Reinelle kneeled next to him.

"I'll see you in hell," were her last words to him as Reinelle pulled the trigger.


The sound of the bullet echoed through the tunnel as Dougal fell still. Reinelle stood back up and held the gun ready in case she needed to fire again. The girls stood shocked as they looked at the bloody Circle agent on the floor and their friend's bloody hand. The bloody hand that held the gun.

Then they realized they weren't the only ones who had witnessed the murder.

"I wouldn't have done that if I were you."

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