fourty three: the break in

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I felt like I had slept quiet enough when I opened my eyes. But I was so comfortable that I did not wanted to get out of the bed.

I looked down when I realised that there was weight on my arm, I gasped silently when I saw Shayra and me tangled in each other while Marilyn was nowhere on the bed.

I should have tried to move away but I just couldn't. I was feeling too comfortable and too much like I was....home.

My hand reached to wipe out the hair from her face and tucked them behind her ear and I absent mindedly traced her cheekbone with my thumb. God, I miss her.

I kept staring at her face for a long while before there was a loud knock at the door that startled me and Shayra woke up suddenly too.

"Justin? Are you up?" We heard Lily's voice and my eyes widened but before the door opened, Shayra quickly moved away from me.

"Y-Yeah, Just woke up" I said and sat up as she came inside and Shayra sat up too.

"God, am I late?" She asked.

"No, I'm just an early riser, I just wanted to see if Justin is up since we have to go home now and then you'll have to go work too" Lily said.

"Uh yeah" I said and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Why don't you'll stay for breakfast and go?" Shayra said.

"Uh, thank you but we've troubled you enough" Lily said.

"What no!? That wasn't trouble at all, please have breakfast here, I insist" Shayra said and I didn't know what to answer.

If say yes, Lily gets upset and if I say no, Shayra gets upset.

"Uh, okay" Lily mumbled.

"Great, I'll make something quickly" Shayra said and we both got out of the bed.

She went inside the washroom so I went to the washroom in the guest room. After which, I walked to the kitchen and Shayra joined me.

"Where is Mare thou- Oh..." Shayra trailed off when we entred the kitchen and saw Marilyn filling up a bowl with milk and captain crunch. She had prepared four bowls like that.

"Mare? What are you doing?" I asked with a smile and she looked up at me.

"I made breakfast for all of us. Its cereal day" She said and me and Shayra chuckled.

"Well, I guess its cereal day for all of us then" I said and sat down at the dinning table  and Shayra sat down next to Marilyn while Lily next to me.

"Do you like it?" Marilyn asked excitedly after we all took a spoonful in our mouth.

"Totally, I wish I could cook like you!" Lily said and Marilyn smiled.

"Mommy did I do it right?" She then asked Shayra who nodded with a smile.

"You put the cereal first and then pour the milk so its the perfect quantity" She said and Marilyn grinned.

"Good to see my little baby growing up, learning to cook and stuff huh?" I said and she smiled.

"I learn from the best" She said and I chuckled.


I glanced at my watch and realized it was almost lunch time. The thought of asking Shayra to join me for the lunch came to my head and pondered on it.

I felt a little nervous to ask her too. I was lost in the debate when the door suddenly flew open and Shayra barged in.

I guess I'll ask her anyways.

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