Chapter 5

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3rd person's Pov.

@ Vampire World.

Timeo was signing paperworks then a knock came from his office.

"Come in."

The door suddently open revealing a infant child with onyx eyes and wearing a suit and Fedora with a chameleon on his shoulder.

"Glad you came Reborn." Timeo said.

"I came here because you personally invite me. What do you need Nono?" Reborn ask with a cold voice but calmer.

"As usual your straight to the point."

"Yes I am as always."

"Well, I want you to train my grandson Sawada Ieyoshi as the Vongola Decimo."

Reborn raise a brow.
"You seems have a doubt on your decision?" Reborn said.

"I have, Iemitsu said that Sawada Ieyoshi was a great candidate and Sawada Tsunayoshi was a useless kid. But I doubt that, the first time I met Tsuna I sense purity of sky flames and and calm attitude on him. Sad to say Mitsu won't let me go closer to his 'useless' son and keep bragging about Ieyoshi. That's why I ask you reborn. Your not just going to train Ieyoshi but also to observe the twins who is really the suitable boss in this position, I trust you my old friend." Timeo said.

Reborn was shock at first but agree to observe that twins and Reborn himself will choose the next Vongola boss who hopely change the Vongola's name and reputation and go back to what Primo build Vongola was.

@ sawada's Resident.

Nana was happy reading magazine on the couch where the phone just rung, so she stand up and answer the phone.

"Hello? Sawada Nana speaking."

"Hello Nana-san. I'm reborn the greatest hit man in the whole Vampire world. I would like to inform you that I will came to your house today to train your son Ieyoshi to be the next Vongola Boss." Reborn stated.

Nana brighten. She new that Vongola was the strongest Famiglia existed on the Vampire world.

"Ofcourse your welcome Reborn." Nana said happily.

"Then I'll be their at dinner time." Reborn said as he hung up.

Nana smile and went to the kitchen and start to prepare dinner for reborn and her own one son.

Once dinner came, Reborn alive ofcourse Nana welcome him with a sweet smile and he went to the chair to sit. As soon as Ieyoshi came Reborn hated the brat.

"What!? This infant will going to tutor me!? Are you serious!?" Ieyoshi yelled.

" yes he will dear~ Not only that, his hear to train you to be the next Vongola boss." Nana said cheerfully.

Ieyoshi brighten up. "Ofcourse I should be the boss because I deserve it." Ieyoshi said.

He got a smack from reborn.

"Your training will start after dinner. We need to talk about something." Reborn said coldly.

Once dinner was done, Reborn drag Ieyoshi to his own room.

"What do you want stupid infant!?" Ieyoshi almost growl with annoyance but he tense and got scared when Reborn fired a bullet to him barely dodge.

"Answer my question, Where is Sawada Tsunayoshi?" Reborn said as he was pointing the green gun who's still smocking from earlier fire.

"Don't you dare say that Dame, Useless name infront of me." Ieyoshi yelled.

Again the Reborn fired and this time its barely dodge by Ieyoshi cause his cheek to blood.

"I'm not a patient nor a good tutor. Now Tell me what I want!" Reborn said coldly almost growl.

"Tsk (Ieyoshi look away) Who knows. One day he was here and One day he was gone to who knows where. One of my friends he enter the Hill of Fantasya. And you know that hill, No Vampire came back once you enter that forest." Ieyoshi reply.

Reborn lowered his gone and smirk. He knew that forest wasn't hunted as it is. It was just protected by the best illusionist Kawahira because that Hill was beautiful and if Vampire will go their then the beauty of mother nature will be broken. Also Kawahira protect that hill for personal matter, only the purest Vampire can see behind Kawahira's illusions. Reborn needs to ask Kawahira about Tsuna then.

"Since when did you saw him?" Reborn ask.

"At least 3 years ago." Ieyoshi said.

Reborn's eyes widen before smirking and said "Make your homework properly and sleep properly because your training will start tomorrow." before slamming the door and went to his own room.

Its look like that the Sawada Family was a mess, and he conclude that Sawada Tsunayoshi was so Dame and useless that Nana and Ieyoshi most likely Iemitsu don't care to that child anymore.

But is Sawada Tsunayoshi really a useless Child?"


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Hope you enjoy it 😊😊😊

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