Chapter 28

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3rd person's Pov.

When Tsuna and Dino went to the garden, well more like a forest. It was destroyed. Why?

Dynamites flying everywhere.
Clashing of weapons can be heard.
A voice who seems calming the Storm and Sun but encourage them.

Its A mess.

"Guys, Pls stop fighting we have guest." Tsuna said in calm yet gentle voice.

Since no one listen Reborn then take an action. He fired a gun to the sky which the rest look at him.

"Chaos minna." Reborn said.

"Reborn, Thank you." Tsuna said then he look at the rest. "Minna, I want you to meet Din-"

"Dino!" Takeshi suddenly said.

"What!? THE GUARDIANS ARE HERE?" Dino said.

"You know them Dino-san?" Tsuna blink and look at the guardians then Dino. Dino nod.

"They are the Guardians known in Human world. Well.... I also went there a few times so I'd manage to meet them. Specially Kyoya." Dino said.

Kyoya glare at Dino in return. "What in hell are you doing here horse herbivore!?" Kyoya said coldly.

"Heh? I'd like to meet the future Vongola boss ofcourse." Dino said with a smile.

"Oh so your a vampire too?" Takeshi ask.

"Yes." Dino answer.

"Kufufufu~ Its interesting."

"I'll bite you to death."

With that Kyoya and Mukuro attack Dino which Dino summon his whip.

The Forest was a mess again. Tsuna sigh tiredly.

"Why are they doing this?" Tsuna thought.

"Probably because they are destructive." Reborn said.

Tsuna look at Reborn, he look Reborn like he some sord of Mind reader.

"I'm not a Mind reader, your face is easy to read." Reborn said.

"Ah so..." Tsuna said.

"Juudaime? You look tired? You should go and rest." Hayato said.

"But how about them?" Tsuna pointed the scene where Mukuro, Kyoya, and Dino are fighting.

"I'll take care of them, Juudaime." Hayato said.

"I'll calm them down." Takeshi said.

Well Tsuna didn't leave, as he saw the scene and it got worse the whole thing is destroyed. So... with that he just leave it and went to his room to take a nap since the sun was already rising and Day is for sleeping anyway.


When night comes, Tsuna wake up to prepare well dinner for humans and breakfast for him. Well since the Guardians is already living like a Vampire let's call it a breakfast.

Tsuna cook the meal and was surprise that Dino did stayed. The breakfast went messy if it wasn't for reborn who is their. Well the Guardians don't really got along but well they get along when the times comes. Beside one way to calm them down is the delicious meal that Tsuna is making.

Once done, Tsuna and the rest went to the school. But Tsuna didn't expect that Dino will their English Teacher which all the girls did nose bleed, specially when Dino did speak in english fluently.

At Lunch they did eat together and Tsuna ask Dino about how Dino was fluent in different language. Dino did explain the Reborn torturing method when it comes to languages. Its an Q and A life and death situation with mini dynamites. It was worse.

Tsuna sure was lucky that he didn't want that experience of a sadist spartan tor-tutoring method of Reborn. Now Tsuna imagine how Ieyoshi must be suffering.


Speaking of Ieyoshi. He had observe that Reborn and that Dino was eventually close to the pathetic Humans and that bastard useless twin of him. He can't let that happen, he also observe that Reborn is less training him.

Reborn rarely in his house and its like Reborn is not training him anymore. Then it hit Ieyoshi that of possible that Cielo Tsunayoshi is his brother then Tsuna is also a candidate for the Vongola boss.

With that thought Ieyoshi didn't want his future to be destroyed. His future is suppose to rule the strongest Famiglia in the whole Vampire world. He will not accept that the useless DAME will be the next boss.

Within this night, Ieyoshi was observing Tsuna the whole thing and some mens of Iemitsu. Because they need to be careful or their plan will be destroyed.


Once the class already end, Reborn and Dino notice that Tsuna's action. For example is Tsuna is always cheerful and has a smile on his face yet it suddenly turn to smirk or to serious face but then smile again. Its not a normal though.

"What's wrong Tsuna?" Reborn ask as he was chilling at Tsuna's head.

"Huh? Nothing Reborn." Tsuna said.


Tsuna got Smack at the head. "Ouch Reborn." Tsuna said as he rub his read.

"Your a Million years too younger to lie on me Tsuna." Reborn said.

"Hai, Hai. Its just my H. I keeps on bugging me since the school started........Its like someone is following or observing me. At first my H.I tells me Ieyoshi is the one who's observing me. But something is different, its more than Ieyoshi." Tsuna said.

"Good your H.I is strong, then I'll ask Ieyoshi about that." Reborn said.

"Then for a time I'll stay with you lil bro. " Dino said as he pat Tsuna's head.

Tsuna's cheek went pink with that 'lil bro' and then look at Dino.

Dino did say that Tsuna is like his little brother since Tsuna is cute and nice. Tsuna just smile, Tsuna did want a brother, he wish that his relation with Dino will be more like him and Ieyoshi. Like Brothers.

Tsuna did start calling Dino a Dino-nii.

But deep in Tsuna's heart he would like Ieyoshi and him will be brothers.

"A wish that won't come true"
Something in the dark whisper a man with spiky white hair, purple eyes and a girl with green eyes and green hair.


Thanks for reading
Hope you enjoy it 😊😊😊

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