Chapter 26

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3rd person's Pov.

Ieyoshi was frustrated. He was being tortured again by the excuse sadist  spartan tutor from hell. His reputation is keep going down since everyone saw that his just wearing a boxer while that stupid bullet on his head + the new disciplinary leader prefect Demon is keep bitting him to death.

He curse hisself for those pathetic weak human. This is suppose to be a Vampire world, Vampire should ruled, but those pathetic Human start to gain the attraction. Thanks to an Unknown new student name Cielo Tsunayoshi.

That vampire Cielo Tsunayoshi realky, Really look like his brother. The brother of him who disappeared along the days as it goes by. He was happy that the trash was gone, so thus his parents. They are sad though that their favorite toy did gone missing but who cares he was just a piss of trash.

Yet when he came back. Or Ieyoshi just thinking the wrong way. What if that Cielo Tsunayoshi wasn't really his brother. But a different person. But he can't help it that he really, really look like Tsunayoshi. His brother.

"UGh!" Ieyoshi said in frustration.

"What's the matter dear? Something wrong?" Nana said as he notice Ieyoshi's expression.

"Yeah, Are you ok son?" Iemitsu said, well his here just got home from his work.

Ieyoshi look his mom and Dad then he did tell them everything about this guy name Cielo Tsunayoshi and the Humans he had brought.

With that Iemitsu and Nana was furious to got their hands on their favorite toy, Beside its a possibility that this Cielo Tsunayoshi is their 'beloved' son aren't him?

He was suppose to come back to his own family yet he didn't. He disappeared without making an excuse or even saying goodbye making his family to be worried.

With that Iemitsu has a plan.

"Just wait our beloved son. You'll come home to us anytime soon."

They all thought. The family matter was interrupted when Reborn showed up and all them are eating dinner.


Reborn on the other said that Tsuna should meet Nono next Saturday. Reborn did when to Nono's office last time.


"Knock, Knock!"

"Come in" Nono said.

The door open to revealed an infant wearing a suit and Fedora.

"Ah~ Nice too see you again my old friend." Nono great the infant.

"Chaos Nono." the infant said as he sat down to a sit infront of Nono's desk.

"What brings you here Reborn?"Nono have ask.

"I came here to tell you that Sawada Tsunayoshi is been missing at Sawada household for 3 years." Reborn said.

"What?" Nono said and was surprise about the information."Mitsu never did report about that." Nono continue.

Reborn roll his eyes. "Since when did that Baka-Mitsu report to you anything?." Reborn said.

Come to think of it. Since when did Iemistu reported to Nono? Iemitsu just report to Nono if he ask about the status and paperworks. Nothing more.

"Then we should search for him" Nono said.

"I already found him. His in a human world, his name change to Cielo Tsunayoshi." Reborn said.

"What!? In human world? Is he ok?" Nono ask, he believes that Humans are cruel and selfish so thus his own kind that's why he only trust those Vampire who is worthy to trust with. He never been trust a human before.

"Tsuna was doing fine. His quite happy with his own life their and doesn't want to return to sawada house hold. But I did manage to convince him to return to this world with his Guardians." Reborn said.

Nono can't be more shock.
"Guardians?" Nono ask.

Reborn sigh.
"Nono let me tell you this. Sawada Ieyoshi may be athletic and strong but he doesn't have a heart of a true boss. His manipulative and a brat! His impossible. His flames aren't harmonized and pure. Despite being manipulative he didn't gain any subordinates........Yet when I went to Human world... Tsunayoshi did nothing yet his guardians or so-called Friends is their for him. He has his loyal storm name Gokudera Hayato, Calming Rain-Yamamoto Takeshi, Extremely sub-Sasagawa Ryohei, Aloof Cloud- Hibari Kyoya and Playful mists- Chrome Dokuro and Mukuro Roduko. They are all Humans. Except for his lighting Bovino Lambo. All of them are willing to follow Tsuna and protect their sky...." Reborn pause for a bit.

"Tsunayoshi is strong. His strength is hidden very well. He can go to HDWM without any bullet, his kind, nice and just like Mukuro said, he is too soft.His shy and has a warm kind acceptance heart. A true sky should be acceptance." Reborn said.

Nono froze with that. He trust Reborn because Reborn is his old friend. In fact Reborn won't lie to him, since when did he? Beside Reborn came to him Personally which is rare. Reborn can just send a file nor letter and email to him privately. But Reborn came personally, that is something new.

"So your saying that Tsunayoshi should be the next Boss?" Nono ask.

"Yes, And you'll be more surprise to meet them. They look like the 1st generation." Reborn said.

"Then I shall meet them." Nono said.

"When?" Reborn ask.

"Next Saturday. At the mansion in-"

"Don't worry they are already their. Actually they are already staying there all of them so it won't be hard for you." Reborn said.

Nono can't be more surprise.

"Then how about Ieyoshi?"

"I refuse to train him. I never met such a stupid Idiotic brat! Dino might be like that as well, but atleast his kind and never hurt anyone who is lower than him. Unlike Ieyoshi." Reborn said.

"Speaking of Dino, I need to call him to meet Tsuna." Reborn said.

"Hm? Why is that?" Nono ask.

"I would like my old student perception regarding Tsunayoshi will be the boss of Vongola." Reborn said.

"Hm, That will be a nice strategy. I look forward meeting Tsunayoshi." Nono said.

Flashback ends.

Ieyoshi went outside and was surprise some men in suit were standing around his house. He then meet a blonde man smiling nicely at him.

"Hello, My name is Dino Chivallone. Nice to meet you"


Thanks for reading
Hope you Enjoy it 😊😊😊

Guardians and their sky.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ