Chapter 41

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Dear Readers:

Hello Readers of this story. I know, I know I had discontinued this story a month ago? Two months ago? I don't know but then I decided to continue this story since an Idea was keep coming to me. And its frustrated since its keep bugging me all over and over and over again! But first I need your opinions if I'll continue this or what?

Comment and I shall post a chapter tomorrow.

Thank you anyway for your all supports.

But for now, I'll put one chapter in this story.

-By MalditaDiAsh

3rd person's pOv.

After Kyoya brought Tsuna to a special hospital in the Vampire world according to Reborn he had a doctor friend who is expert and can treat Tsuna well. The problem is this doctor doesn't treat mens.

So Kyoya, Was going to bite that pervert doctor (Since when he called the certain doctor he saw it was flirting with the nurse) of he won't treat Tsuna immediately. Reborn is gonna shoot a bullet in his head too.

So The doctor name Shamal, Treated Tsuna and do a certain operation. Its been 6 the hell hours Tsuna's operation is. Chrome and Lambo had already asleep in the chair waiting for the doctor to come out. Hayato and Kyoya was clenching there weapons until it there knuckles turn to white. Mukuro's gently hands was patting Chrome's hair while she was sleeping

They all wait until Shamal was going out.

Once out, Reborn quickly glare at Shamal to tell them everything.

"You first calm down and check your killer Intent before I'll tell you what happen to the patient you just brought! Tell me if your ready, I'll tell you. Mean while, The patient will be transfer to a private room rather than in an emergency room. So would anyone kindly follow me to my office, So I can tell the details. " Shamal said.

Reborn, Kyoya, Mukuro had follow Shamal. The rest stayed as they were keeping an eye to Tsuna.

Once in the office Shamal start to explained.

"First, Calm yourself down." Shamal said. For a minute they are in silent before all of them are calm down.

"Well... I don't know where to start...The minor bad news was he has multiple stab wounds on his chest but thankfully they missed any vital organ by a millimeters away. 4 Broken ribs and..."

Their heart sunk as he was trying to sulk the information in. " What do you mean by Minor Bad news? Do you mean that he had more injuries worse than you mentioned?"  Reborn ask.

Shamal look away but nod along.
The three of them start to increase their K.I.

"I have already told you the lighter side of his injuries it is probably best I tell you the rest as well" Shamal continued."his skin was slit with a very sharp knife in multiple places along the back, chest and arms, on his back and legs there are multiple cuts and bruises where we can only assume he was hit by a whip, his wrists are bruised and scarred which means he has been cutting but has been held in place with something, and worse he is injected by a black poison. Which to Vampires it was... Horribly horrible that can kill you slowly. Its like suffering in pain before death." Shamal explain.

As expected, No one was listening to him and the three were imagining things that how to torture Iemitsu and Ieyoshi slowly, very slowly until they suffer hell. Their K.I was literary scarring the hell out shit of the workers, patients and other people in the hospital.

"You guys better calm down!" Shamal stated.

Reborn is the first one who sigh, And calm hisself down but not that calm. Next is Mukuro then Kyoya.

"Ok, Let me explain. Tsuna will heal for sure. But that poison has no antidote. But he will survive as long as he will drink blood from a Human for every 4 months or atleast 2 months." Shamal said "And reborn, I need to your sun flames and also anyone had sun flames,  I need it to create a pill for the patients." Shamal said.

Reborn sigh and agreed.

Kyoya and Mukuro as long as Shamal done explaining existed the room and hurry up to the room where Tsuna was in it.

Once was there they saw everyone was looking at Tsuna with a worried eyes.

"Mukuro-sama? Is Tsuna-nii gonna be fine?" Chrome ask.

"He will." "I hope"

"Juudaime.." Hayato said full of worried.

"Maa~ Hayato, Tsuna will be fine I'm sure of it. His an immortal isn't he? So he'll be fine." Takeshi said.

"I hope so." Lambo said.

"EXTREMELY, Tsuna is strong. He will be." Ryohei said.

Tsuna on the other hand was lying on the bed, His hands and neck has visible black lines which Mukuro and Kyoya think the poison. But despite Tsuna was laying in the bed. It looks like Tsuna was sleeping peacefully. Sleeping like no care in the world. With his angelic face, people will think he was just sleeping in peace.


After some time, Kyoya who stayed in the hospital was holding Tsuna's hand. Those soft, smooth, pale hands were gentle.

Kyoya's fingers threaded through Tsuna's hair with a predatory gentleness. One he had learned over the years in order to take care of his kept herbivores. Carnivores had to be careful, he remembered. Because Herbivores were fragile, breakable. So he took extra care with creatures like Tsuna, like Hibird. Even Tsuna is a Omnivore, Tsuna was still a Herbivore who is fragile.

This calmed him. Calmed the raging storm that was stirring inside him. Calmed his anger, his absolute rage.

He'd been so... angry when he'd found out that Tsuna's bastard brother and Father had nearly killed him. So, very, very angry. But all that anger had been washed under a cold, unyielding surface. He could have gone looking for those two. Could have ended their pitiful life right then. But he hadn't. No, his first priority was taking care of one of his flock, his pack. Tsunayoshi had been hurt and Kyoya felt that he hadn't been there.

Kyoya hated when Tsuna was hurt. He hated it because he was never there to make it better. To lick Tsuna's wounds, offer warm, and protect him with everything he had, like a good mate should.

He was not there in time to protect Tsuna. It was too late to protect his only his Omnivore. His beloved. He remember the time that Tsuna gave him the Sakura necklace at that day as a souvenir. Remember the day he saw a mini-Rabbit jumping up grabbing something, He remember the day how he was mesmerize by the looks of Tsuna, how beautiful and angel he was. Its so...Majestic.

He first find happiness in his life with Tsuna around. Sure he was happy with the rest of the Guardians fooling around but With Tsuna around, He felt different kind of happiness, Different..emotions.

Kyoya had kiss Tsuna's forehead before whispering to Tsuna's ears.

"I love you Tsunayoshi, I hope you wake up soon."

Before Kyoya sleep with him holding Tsuna's hands.


Thanks for reading
Hope you enjoy 😊😊😊

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