Chapter 17

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3rd person's pov.

3 days, 3 days since the other members of the Guardians Notice that Tsuna was acting a bit not hisself. Like in a very deep thoughts.

For example is, Ryohei who is clearly the loud person in the band call Tsuna almost 20 times until Tsuna snap out and answer Ryohei despite Ryohei being so loud.

They also notice that Chrome and Hayato spend more time with Tsuna going on Bianchi's day care center. Hayato visit his sister while Chrome just love kids.

But little did they know, They went to the day care center because not about those things, They went to the day care, well at the back of the day care center which an abundant building where they could Train.

Tsuna and Bianchi saw Hayato's potential with dynamites. Hayato has control with them. Bianchi saw that and gave Hayato the C.I.A System. Hayato was amazed by that weapon turning into skull shape and he can lit it up with his storm flames.

Chrome on the other hand was improving her illusion. It was fantastic and felt so real...yet Chrome didn't reach yet the Illusion of mind where Chrome can travel to someone's mind. Tsuna is the mentor yet Chrome is keep on failing but Chrome said she won't give up.

Today is the day were Reborn was on the top of Tsuna's hair chilling siting Hayato and Chrome walking side by side of Tsuna going to the day care center or the abundant building.

Once their the training did start and Reborn said ,

"Looks like you got your Storm and Mist Tsuna." Reborn said.

Tsuna look at reborn in confuse.

Reborn then say. "A boss or a Vongola boss needs a subordinates, which you can refer as a guardian. A boss is the sky who accept all and cares for all, but he won't be complete he has his loyal Storm, Calming Rain, Extremely Sun, Striking Lighting, Aloof Cloud and a Playful Mist.....And you Tsuna gain 3 subordinates already which is your Storm Gokudera Hayato, Your lighting Bovino Lambo and Your mist Chrome Dokuro." Reborn said.

"They are not my guardians Reborn. They are my friends. And as much as possible I don't want them to be involved in our worlds." Tsuna said calmly.

"I don't mind Juudaime." Hayato said.

"I also don't mind Tsuna-nii. As long as your the boss I don't mind serving you." Chrome said with a smile.

"I don't mind either." Hayato said with a smile too.

"See Tsuna? You gain a guardian already, yet....You don't treat them like guardians, you treat them as a friend. That indicates a good boss Tsuna." Reborn said trying to encourage Tsuna.

Tsuna sigh but smile at Reborn.

"How about Ieyoshi? Is he doing fine?" Tsuna ask.

Reborn smirk.
"Oh? That Idiot? His doing horrible. He is good at athletic and strong but his grades are average low. I mean his grades are barely on hook. He is also very very annoying. Too annoying that if I lost my patient I might kill him." Reborn said.

Tsuna sweet drop at that. Rebornwas emitting bad aura so Tsuna knows that Ieyoshi must pist reborn damn so much.

"Mom and Dad?" Tsuna ask.

Reborn sigh. "Your mom was happy, your dad is always an idiot. But... Why are you asking for them when clearly they don't care about you Tsuna?" Reborn ask.

"Because even they abuse me, say bad words to me, and most of all they hate me, I won't hate them back. Because they are still my parents.....and I still care and love them Reborn." Tsuna answer gently.

"Juudaime is a humble sky, perfect to be a boss." Hayato exclaim

"Tsuna-nii that was so touching." Chrome said as she cried with fake tears.

"Your so forgiving Tsuna.That is one of the characteristics of the sky. Once the training of your guardians is done, You need to go back. Beside you need to attend school aren't you?" Reborn ask.

Tsuna brighten up a little. School? School was a place were he could learn some stuff. He had to admit, he loves learning in their but hates bullies who always come and hurt him.

"Ofcourse Hayato and Chrome are welcome at the school." Reborn said, with that Tsuna gave a big smile at the sametime confuse.

"A human like Hayato and Chrome can attend school with you, that way you have a assistance. Also Hayato and Chrome should prepare your self for a possible attack by other vampire on you. But I got to admit, you two are strong." Reborn said.

Tsuna then shriek.

"So you mean your going to bring Hayato and Chrome to a Vampire world?" Tsuna ask.

"If they prove that they are strong enough, I will." Reborn said.

"I won't fail you Juudaime."

"I won't also fail you Tsuna-nii. I would like to see the vampire world what it look like." Chrome said.

Tsuna said that its ok that they don't need to try harder. Its ok if they failed as long as they are safe and happy Tsuna is happy too. But both Chrome and Hayato argue that they were happy to be with Tsuna and more happy to visit vampire world.

Tsuna then tell a story about Vampires sleep at day which day was the most peaceful time and Night is the most busy time.

Hayato and Chrome understand more about the Vampires as Tsuna tell them the facts about vampire and they take note it.


Thanks for reading
Hope you enjoy it 😊😊

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