Chapter 24

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3rd person's pov.



Ieyoshi just wake up by a giant green Mallet made by the spartan tutor frome hell.

"A mafia boss should never late." Reborn stated.


"Well" Reborn stated as Leon transfer back to a chameleon and Reborn par Leon. "Get up already or you shall be bitten to death."

With that Ieyoshi panic and hurry to dress up. He was certainly not wanting to be bitten to death, knowing the Prefect Demon (Kyoya's new nickname) was obsessed with the new rules of the schools.

Well the rules weren't new. Is just it wasn't properly followed until now that is.

Ieyoshi was sure he won't make it in time so Reborn smirk and shoot a bullet towards Ieyoshi.


Mukuro keep on laughing and did take a picture of Ieyoshi who is just wearing a boxer. Takeshi also laugh, Hayato smirk. Chrome cover her eyes and Ryohei wants to let Ieyoshi to join boxing club.

Once Ieyoshi was on the gate, the flames are still there. The sky lark immediately appeared.

"Being late and wearing un appropriate out fit. You shall be bitten to death!" With that Kyoya charge.

Reborn smirk and almost want to kill his student because even Ieyoshi was in HDWM he was still defeated by a human, not just it but by Hibari Kyoya.

Reborn sigh and he need to talk to Tsuna about this during lunch.


Lunch came and Tsuna along with the other came eating. Well it was odd for others to eat lunch at 12 midnight but they are use to it. Tsuna did cook a special humber stake to Kyoya which Kyoya gladly accepted.

"Well Reborn why are you here?"

Tsuna ask.

"I'm here to observe my students ofcourse." Reborn said then sipping his Expresso as he was sitting beside Tsuna.

"Students?" Tsuna ask curiously.

"You and Ieyoshi are now my students. But since I can't train both of you, I decided that Hibari Kyoya will train you since he had a potential." Reborn said. With that Kyoya's eyes sparkle with a smirk on his face Tsuna almost chock and look at Kyoya with a pale look Tsuna gulp.

"Beside, I bet you could go to HDWM already without the help of a bullet....Am I right?" Reborn said.

Tsuna nood.

"What's HDWM?" Hayato ask.

Reborn explain about the mode.
There are two modes. The Dying Will mode and the Hyper Dying Will mode. Dying will mode is a process of removing your external limiters to produce dying will flames. It usually help with a bullet Giotto created decades ago. Hyper Dying Will mode is a process removing both of your internal and external limiters to produce dying flames. But its to dangerous, it pushed you beyond your limits because your removing your internal limiters. It would cause excruciating pain. But Giotto learn to enter HDWM at the age of 1500 and the other bosses never learn to enter HDWM without DWM bullet.

"Huh? That's weird Reborn. I learn to enter HDWM when I was 400 years old ." Reborn's eyes widen.

"What!?" Reborn reply.

Tsuna explain the time when he fell from the tree when the fire first came. After that he learn to enter the same process and play with that fire over and over again. He saw his reflection on the mirror once. A flame was burst in his forehead, with orange sun set eyes and his voice seems to be more calmer and monotone.

He was going to tell his father about that thing but Ieyoshi is the one who first showed it and he heard that Nono sealed the flames away which Tsuna don't want that to happen to him. But the most part that his energy and wants too keep the flames to himself was the moment his father call him 'A useless child that no one ever wants' At that time Tsuna lost his will and never summon the flames again.

But he did learn new flames. Like Rain flames to which makes anyone calmer. He uses that once on Takeshi at that time where Takeshi almost commit a suicide. He also learn Mist flames and Lighting flames too he use them when he got on a mission of Lunch being the new manager of The Guardians.

Reborn shut up and was amazed by the brunet action.

"Your the first being to enter or summon their flames im such a young age." Reborn said. "Even the humans or the Guardians took long enough to summon their flames."

Tsuna can help but smile. "Yeah, But I don't know if I can still go to HDWM since my will..... was long lost." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Then you can create new will." Reborn said.

"Kufufufu~ If will and determination is what you luck, I'm sure you can find it along the way. Its not that hard since I saw you eyes turn to orange sun set once. Its the time when you were determine to do the little mission that I'd give you." Mukuro said with a smile.

"Or the time were on my shooting. On that falling snow, your eyes glow when I ask you to be my sky."Kyoya decided to speak.

"That time you save me from that bitch." Hayato said proudly.

Tsuna smile at his friends and he can saw and conclude what his will then.

"Tsuna enter HDWM now." Reborn said, then Tsuna close his eyes as a fire click his forehead and his eyes turn to sun set orange eyes.

"Hm~So I manage to get into this again." Tsuna said with more calmer and monotone.

"Wow, Your EXTREMELY different." Ryohei yelled.

Tsuna close his eyes and turn it off. He almost fell to the ground for feeling so tired but then he stop it and sat down tiredly.

"Well, the effect of HDWM is still with you, It pushes you to the limits that's why your feeling tired." Reborn said as he sip his expresso.

"Yeah guest your right." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Hibari? How about you start the training tomorrow. Tomorrow is Saturday, No class so its a good day of training." Reborn said. Kyoya just hn. with a smirk.

"HHHHEEEEEIIIIII" Tsuna shriek cause he know it won't end well.


Thanks for reading
Hope you enjoy. 😊😊😊

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