Chapter 15

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3rd person's pov


Both Mukuro and Tsuna said in unison.
Tsuna look at Mukuro and Mukuro look at Tsuna.

"Hello Minna~" Chrome said smiling. Her gaze turn towards Mukuro.

"Hello Mukuro-sama. Is nice to see you again." Chrome said as she bow politely at Mukuro.

"Mukuro-Sama?" Tsuna ask.

Chrome gaze went to Tsuna so she smile brightly.
"Tsuna-nii." Chrome said cheerfully.

"He-Hey Chro-Chrome." Tsuna said nervously.

"Kufufufu~ Tsunayoshi? You knew Chrome?" Mukuro ask.

Tsuna nod.

"Tsuna-nii once save me Mukuro-sama." Chrome said with a smile.

"Save you?" Mukuro ask.

Chrome then did tell what happen that night. But she didn't tell him that her attacker was a vampire and Tsuna is a vampire. She didn't mentioned that Tsuna thought him about those flames but she did mentioned that Tsuna and her were friends together with I-pin and Haru.

"Kufufufu~ Then I shall thank you for saving my Chrome Tsunayoshi-kun." Mukuro said with a smile.

"O-Oh? He, No need. I'm glad that I can help." Tsuna said, then glance at the clock.

"Speaking of Haru and I-pin, I think those two will going to kill me if I won't made on dinner." Tsuna said panikly before standing up and bowing.

"I'm sorry Minna~ But I need to go." Tsuna said.

"Kufufufu~ Let us take you home then" Mukuro said with a smile.

"A-Eh... No need, I can go home by myself. How about you guys enjoy your time with Chrome? I'll see you guys tomorrow."Tsuna said with a smile and hurry up running to the door. But was stop when a cold rough hands pull his wrist. Tsuna slam to Kyoya's chest.

Tsuna was feeling so nervous and his heart start to doki-doki. "See you tomorrow my Omnivore." Kyoya said as he kiss Tsuna's forehead before letting him go.

Tsuna blush and remain frozen. But then quickly got up and start running away from the building while blushing.

"What was Kyoya thinking!? First he kiss me, second he calls me his omnivore, and third.... He just kiss my forehead." Tsuna thought. He then stop running and touch his forehead.

Tsuna can't help but to smile and chuckle before riding a taxi and went to Haru's apartment thinking about Kyoya.


Kyoya on the other hand smirk as he watch the Omnivore walk away.

"Kufufufu~ Looks like the idiotic skylark is inlove with our new manager." Mukuro teased Kyoya which Kyoya glare and said

"I'll bite you to death!"

Then the room is chaos. Chrome just stand in one corner she wonder why did Tsuna is at the Guardians base, and she also wonder if any of the Guardians know Tsuna is a Vampire.


As Tsuna got home, he was greeted by a smiling Haru and I-pin.

"Tsuna-kun" Haru cheerfully said.

"Hello, Haru-chan." Tsuna said with a smile.

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