Chapter 14

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3rd person's Pov.

After the shooting and everything, Tsuna wake up 4:57pm. Its quite early for a vampire like him to wake up since the sun didn't set down yet, but he remembers that he was in a human world now.

Tsuna gladly open his eyes, yawn a little bit before rubbing his eyes and opening then clearly. He was shocked that he was in a purple room, in a king size bed, a office table on the corner of the room some book shelf and a balcony.

Tsuna immediately climb out of the bed and stand up, looking for the exit. He quickly walk towards the door when a small little yellow bird flew towards his shoulder and snuggle to his neck. The bird was chirping.

"Herbivore, Herbivore, Herbivore."

Tsuna smile at the bird and use his finger to pat the bird which the bird happily chirp at him. Tsuna smile brighten.

The door suddently open revealing a Hibari Kyoya.

"Oh? Hibari-" Tsuba said but was cut off by a cold glare eyes saying Didn't-I told-you-to-call-me-kyoya? Tsuna then understand and continue "I mean Kyoya." Tsuna smile.

Kyoya's eyes soften and look at Tsuna.

"Your finally awake her-No Omnivore." Kyoya said.

Tsuna gave a confuse look. Kyoya walk towards Tsuna, grab Tsuna's chin and lean forward.

"Open you mouth for me Herbivore?" Kyoya said more like a demand.

Tsuna tense at first before opening and Kyoya examine Tsuna's teeth. He touches one of Tsuna's fangs which gave his finger draw blood. Immediately Tsuna close his mouth sucking Kyoya's finger with blood on it and drink it.

Tsuna back away, he need to stay out of Kyoya as long as possible because Kyoya's blood is addicted. Tsuna shook his head and then look at Kyoya nervously.

"How did you have those sharp pointy fangs Omnivore?"Kyoya ask.

Tsuna look down feeling scared and panic, he don't know what to say.

"I-I-I don't know. Is just pop out." Tsuna reason hoping Kyoya will belived him, and it did.

Well Kyoya believe human can be in different way, but he don't believe such a mythical creature such a Vampire. Tsuna may have a natural fangs but Tsuna doesn't look like a Vampire, and Vampire don't exist so.

Tsuna then chuckle as the bird snuggle more to his neck which was tickles. Kyoya smirk.

"You know, Hybird never done that kind of attitude towards others. Not even any of the Guardians." Kyoya said.

"Oh? Is that so?...Hybird, What a cool name." Tsuna said happily.


Silent broke them, but not too much of a silent since Tsuna keep chuckling.

"Ahm...Hi-Kyoya. Maybe I should go home now, its getting late eventually." Tsuna said as he look towards the window, the sun was starting to set.

"Yeah, But first you'll need to cook a sord of feast tonight. The pineapple herbivore requested it." Kyoya said coldly.

"Pineapplr Herbivore?" Tsuna question.

Kyoya just look away and Tsuna was confuse. Who is the pineapple herbivore that Kyoya was talking about? Well, he call everyone a herbivore but this the first time he had call someone a pine- Suddently it hit Tsuna.

Mukuro's hairstyle was ridiculous. Its was like..... a pineapple. Tsuna wants to laugh at that matter but then just chuckled before looking at Kyoya.

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