Chapter 23

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3rd person's pov.

As days go on and on, Tsunayoshi was being bullied mentally this time. From the moment he step in in the same class as his brother the classmate wispier.

"Class settle down. Today we will have 7 new student which consist one Vampire and 6 Humans,come and introduce your self." Nezu sensei said.

"Hello everyone, my name is Yamamoto Takeshi and I'm a human." Takeshi introduce which cause every girls scream in excitement as they saw a good looking Takeshi.

"Tsk, Don't care about you. The name is Gokudera Hayato. Human"

Same the girl scream saying Hayato was more like a bad boy.

"EXTREMELY nice to meet you all. The name is Sasagawa Ryohei, A human."

All of the boys think that this guy is strong. Good for benefits. and the girls scream and chuckle.

"Kufufufu~ Hi ladies and gentlemans, my name is Mukuro Roduko, a human I hope you and I do get along." Mukuro said with a smile which some of the girls fainted with nose bleed.

"Ara, are those girls ok?" Mukuro ask, one of the boys said Yes.

"My name is Chrome Roduko a human." Chrome said, boys have a slight pink on their cheek seeing how cute and good looking Chrome said but then Mukuro gave them each a deadly smile saying 'touch-my-chrome-and-you'll-dead'

"Hn. Hibari Kyoya. Human." Kyoya simply said. All girls nose bleed and fainted Thinking Kyoya was so cool. The boys was sweating in fear because Kyoya's glare was too cold for a human.

Then everyone when silent when a familiar Brunet came.

"Cielo Tsunayoshi, a Vampire." Tsuna said smiling in confidence. His not shy or neevous, why because his friends gave him courage standing beside him now.

"Why the hell did you came back Dame-Tsuna!?" Ieyoshi said almost growl.

"Do I know you Mr?" Tsuna said and tilting his head which almost the boys blush how cute Tsuna is, even Ieyoshi look away with a pink cheek.

Nezu order them to sit at the back.

At lunch, Tsuna was attack by Ieyoshi and his gang but Thanks for Mukuro, Takeshi, Hayato, Ryohei and Kyoya's protectiveness, Ieyoshi and gangs didn't get away so easily.

Tsuna's guardians don't let him walk alone because Bullies and Ieyoshi will chase him.

But it all change one day,

Because as the days go by, the Vampires and Human did get along for the first time in the schools life.

Takeshi was quickly the team captain of baseball field in this school. And their school was keep winning due to Takeshi's talent.

Hayato join the Mystery Club since his eyes was sparkeling through that Club. He first insist and said he would like to follow his Juudaime but His juudaime said its ok and force Hayato to join the club since its clear Hayato like it.

Ryohei who became the greatest boxing champion in the Var di Lier high and win a different awards.

Mukuro who had new vampire friends, more like his subordinates Ken and Chikusa form a band. A music band namely 6 path from hell. Which Chrome was the singer.

Kyoya form a disciplinary Committee group with Kusakabe Tetsuya was his- well you can say that his right man hand despite Kusakabe is a vampire, he adore Kyoya's leader ship.

Now Kyoya rule the intier school, anyone mess with his territory shall be bitten to death. But Kyoya's main target was Ieyoshi, since Ieyoshi always hurt his Omnivore and always disturb the peace. Once Ieyoshi was fully bitten to death when Ieyoshi dares to wake Kyoya from deep slumber by slamming the door at the roof.

Lesson learn, the roof is off limits during lunch nor in other time or you shall be bitten to death.

Now Tsuna was walking alone since his guardians where busy at their own worlds.

Ieyoshi and his gangs attack Tsuna.

"So Dame-Tsuna came back with some strong Humans? What are they? Your body guards?" Ieyoshi said. Tsuna smirk.

"One you never change Ieyoshi. Two they are not my bodyguards. They are my friends." Tsuna stated.

"Friends? Who would want to be friends with a useless like you." Ieyoshi kick Tsuna but Tsuna dodge that. Tsuna then kick Ieyoshi's feet sending Ieyoshi kiss floor.

Tsuna put his feet in Ieyoshi's head to keep Ieyoshi on the ground.

"Listen my name is Cielo Tsunayoshi, so if you mistaken me to some other people you have known then sorry." Tsuna said as he kick Ieyoshi was send to a wall. "I'm a different person." Tsuna said with an innocent smile yet that dark aura surrounded him was not all innocent, it was deadly.

Ieyoshi and his gangs eye's widen and thought that maybe this Cielo Tsunayoshi is a different person. He was not the usual Dame-Tsuna they have known. But that's impossible. Cielo looks like Dame Tsuna, but that dark aura Cielo just emitted was not a Dame can do.

They were now confuse which led them to follow Tsuna.

Tsuna know his being followed thanks to his H.I. He let those vampire follow him until he got to the big castle which Ieyoshi and his gangs had more shock.

That Cielo may look like Dame-Tsuna but he was diffenately not a Dame.

Once Cielo was out of sight Ieyoshi receive a smack, a very hard smack. Ieyoshi look around and glare at the one who did that, But his glare face turn to pale.

"Chaos Ieyoshi, Miss me?"



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Hope you enjoy it 😊😊😊

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