Chapter 34

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3rd person's pov.

When Tsuna wake up, he found himself in the room with a slight of headache. He sat up and look around. He can conclude that the sun just set.

He yawn before climbing out of his bed and going to the bathroom. As he look hisself on the mirror, he notice the curtain that leads to the bath just open. But he shrug it and brush his teeth.

He almost chock once he saw a man, well more like Kyoya on the mirror with half naked body.

"HHHHHEEEEEIIII" Tsuna shriek and cover his eyes as he try to run. away from the bathroom and went to the bed.

"How dumb I can be. I almost forgot that me and Kyoya share a room. Stupid!" Tsuna mentally said to hisself as he hide under thoseblankets.

He didn't see how Kyoya was smirking, and mentally laughing. Well Tsuna's expression was price less.

Kyoya then fixhisself after climbing on the bed and hug his little bunny.

"Good evening to you, my little Vampire." Kyoya whisper.

Tsuna got the blanket and pull it out to meet those grey steel icy eyes. Tsuna was suddenly lost on those beautiful eyes and was frozen.

"Are you just going to stare at me like that omnivore?" Kyoya said coldly.

Tsuna snap out.

"Oh, sorry Kyoya. I-I was lost in thoughts." Tsuna said.

"Your lost in my eyes." Kyoya murmur softly.

Tsuna heard it but he didn't believe that those words came from Kyoya's mouth. Well that will be a miracle.

Tsuna then fix hisself before going out to have well something to eat with Kyoya who's in his side all the time.

"Kyoya? Can I ask you a question?"


"How long I was asleep? Last time I remember I was with Byakuran, Yuni and Reborn." Tsuna ask.

"almost a month." Kyoya said.

"Oh ok....WHAT!? A MONTH YOU SAY?"


"I must use to much sky flames."

Then Kyoya suddenly pin him to a wall with a tonfa on his side.

"I repeat. Don't ever, don't ever do that again."

Kyoya said seriously cold.

Tsuna was scared yet he nod along the way. Kyoya let him go and they walk towards the dinning room which was a mess.

The scene was:

"You bastard Pineapple, I'm not a lost puppy."

Dynamite was thrown but was dodge by a certain pineapple.

"Kufufufu~ And I'm not pineapple"

A trident was suppose to hit the lost puppy yet it was dodge so it almost hit a certain loud lawn head.


"Shut up stupid lawn head!"



"Kufufufu~ Looks like you had two nick name lost puppy."

"Why you!"

"Maa~Maa~ you guys should calm down."

Dynamites was thrown to both Pineapple and lawn head but both of them dodge which it hit Lambo.

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