Part 2 - December 19th 1968

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Feeling wretched, Paul hung up the phone. Telling his dad that he couldn't make Christmas in Liverpool hadn't been easy. He'd always gone home for Christmas Day at least but this year, he couldn't face the happy families when his own life seemed so empty. He'd also promised to visit Cyn and Julian before she returned to Liverpool with her mother sometime in the early New Year. He shook his head, finding hard to understand John's actions. Announcing he was divorcing Cyn had been a huge shock but to see how now he seemed to have completely abandoned little Julian was heart breaking.

Suddenly a wet nose was pushed into his hand.

"Hello Martha girl!" He grinned at his shaggy Old English Sheepdog and made a fuss of her. He could tell straight away that she needed to go out. "Come on then. Let's go for a walk!"

Slipping on a coat and scarf and c lipping Martha's lead, he slipped out into the chilly early evening. A couple of girls hovered by his gate, enthralled to see him. He said a few polite words suggested they headed home before freezing to death! They walked with him to the end of the street before saying good bye and letting him go on his way.

The cold streets were deserted...the way he liked it. He headed to St John's Park, planning to stick close to the gates and let Martha have a quick run. He stamped his feet and plunged his hands deep into his pockets. It was freezing! Glancing at his watch, he decided to give Martha a few more minutes before heading back. He was hungry as well as cold! Finally he whistled and as Martha came scampering back, he clipped her back onto the lead and began to walk.

He turned the corner and walked passed St John's Wood Church. The door was open so he paused, hearing music from inside. It was a choir singing carols once more. Keen to hear more and to get out of the cold, he tiptoed into the building and after pushing Martha into the corner pew at the back of the church, he sat down and listened.

The choir was made up of adults, all being lead, he realized by the girl who had been on his doorstep a few nights before. He watched as she played the piano and conducted them. She was good! The church was warm and Paul felt more relaxed than he had for days. With Martha snoozing at his feet, he found himself singing along quietly with the carols.

Eventually the rehearsal ended and Paul could hear the girl giving people some details and then they called their good byes before heading home. He decided to wait until they had gone before slipping out after them. Standing up and taking hold of Martha he turned to leave.

"Excuse me?" a voice called, "Excuse me, can I help you?"

He stopped and turned, unsure what to say. The girl was walking slowly towards him looking concerned.

"Oh hello!" she said suddenly, "It's you again, You don't need to leave if you want some more time alone."

Paul shook his head, "'s OK. To be honest I was walking this one," he gestured to Martha, "when I hear the music. It sounded so nice I wanted to pop in and listen. Now you've finished, I'll get out of your way. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all in fact," she paused, " fact, would you mind waiting whilst I lock up. It's a bit lonely in the church yard this time of the evening. Someone usually waits for me to lock up but they've all left because of the cold!"

"No, I don't mind waiting." Paul nodded and sat back down, Martha by his feet. He watched as the girl tidied up the music and blew out the candles. She bowed her head towards the altar before walking towards him.

"All done! Thank you so much for waiting."

They stepped outside into the cold once more. She took a large key from her pocket and locked the door.

"Would you like me to walk you home?" asked Paul.

She gave a small laugh. "I'm already home. I live there."

Paul looked to where she was pointing. "The vicarage?"

She nodded. "My dad is the vicar. I help him out doing the choir."

"Oh. Right. Well...good night then." He began to walk away.

"Wait!" The girl called after him. He turned to face her, "Look, we're both freezing. Would you like to come in for a cup of tea. There's also a pan of homemade soup waiting to be eaten if you're hungry."

"It sounds lovely," began Paul, "But Martha, my dog?"

"She's welcome too!" the girl laughed, "It's too cold to leave her outside! Well, what do you think?"

"I think it sounds a great idea!" said Paul, grinning at her smiling face, "and I am starving!"

"Good! Come on then!" She set off down the driveway to the vicarage.

Paulk hesitated. "Excuse me!"

She stopped. "Yes?"

"If I'm going to be a guest in your home wouldn't it better if I knew your name? I'm Paul."

"Hello Paul, I'm Lucy!"

She set off at a brisk pace, leaving Paul no other option but to hurry after her.

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