Part 50 - October 2nd 1971

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Later that day, Lucy followed Paul into the house through the back door. She hesitated once in the kitchen.



She looked so woebegone that Paul hugged her. "I know," he told her grimly, "But you and me can get it like home again, can't we?!"

She gave him a weak smile. "Of course we can!" She slipped her coat off and hung it on the back of the kitchen door. "Let's get started!"

"Actually Lucy, before we make a start, I want to show you something."


Lucy followed Paul into the hall, where there was even more mess and the door to Paul's music room still wide open. Paul opened a cupboard under the stairs.

"I got someone in to fit a burglar alarm this afternoon," he told her, "Newest model, used in expensive shops and stuff. It means that once this has been set we can go to bed without worrying. Any door or window being opened with trigger the alarm!" He looked at Lucy, who was studying the alarm system. "I will make sure you are all safe from now on my love!"

Lucy nodded. "It's a good idea Paul. Thank you."

He watched her for a moment then took her hand. "Which room do you want to make a start in love?"

"How about you start in the living room and I'll sort the kitchen. Then we can check our bedroom and the kids rooms. Then we can at least get the kids back here ready for tonight and give dad and Rose a break! You and me can start on your room later when the kids are asleep or tomorrow. How does that sound?"

"Sounds fine to me."

Lucy headed to the kitchen and began to clear away the debris. Most of the mess in this room was from the police dusting for finger prints she discovered. They're back powder got everywhere! Half an hour later, the room now gleaning, she made two cups of tea and headed into the living room.

"Tea Paul love!"

He turned from where he was wiping down the shelves. "Wonderful!" He took the tea from her and sat down. "How does this room look now?"

Lucy looked around, "Great! You wouldn't know the police had been in here!"

"Good stuff! I give it a quick vacuum when I've had this then we can head upstairs, what do you think?"

Lucy nodded. She glanced at the clock. "I'm just going to give Dad a ring and see how the kids are." She returned from the hall a few minutes later, looking worried.

"What's wrong love?"

"Dad's going bring the kids round here in a few minutes."


"Mary's screaming, totally inconsolable and the boys are fractious too!" She shook her head, "It looks like I might need to take poor Mary to the doctors again. Her ears are driving her mad!"

Paul stood up and gave his wife a reassuring hug. "I'm sure she'll settle once she's back with us love. Don't worry." He gave her a kiss on top of her head, "Let's go and sort their room out then we can get them settled quickly!"

It was midnight by the time Paul and Lucy fell into bed exhausted. Between sorting out the house and trying the settle the children, it had been a VERY long evening. Lucy snuggled into her place in the crook of Paul's arm and listened as he quickly fell asleep. Despite being tired, she couldn't settle. Memories of the break in were going around her head and she started to imagine she could hear noises again. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself and closed her eyes. Moments passed and she began to feel sleepy at last. Realising she must have finally fallen asleep, Lucy woke suddenly, startled. She listened again, convinced she'd heard something...and again. There was creaking as if someone was trying to creep up the stairs. She was out of bed and onto the landing in a flash, desperate to keep the boys safe. Obviously there was no one there and she scolded herself for being so jumpy. Walking to the boy's room, she peeped round the door and was pleased to see that they were sound asleep. Satisfied all was well, she headed back to bed. She slept fitfully for the rest of the night, waking frequently fearing she'd heard intruders once more.

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