Part 46 - July 7th (cont'd)

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Lucy was in the kitchen, listening to the radio as she ironed some of Mary's freshly washed dresses. Although Rose usually saw to the laundry for the couple, Lucy always enjoyed ironing and making Mary's pretty dresses look smart was a job she enjoyed.


"In here!"


Tutting, she stood up and headed to the kitchen door. Paul was stood in the hall, looking for her.

"Stop shouting!" she hissed at him, "the kids are in bed!"

"Oops, sorry!" whispered Paul, "I hadn't realized how late it was."

"If any wake up, you're dealing with them," said Lucy crossly, "What do you want?"

"It's OK," said Paul quietly, "We'll manage..." He turned to go back in the room.

"Paul wait!" said Lucy.

He turned around.

"Sorry I was grumpy with you." She smiled. "What do you want love? Cup of tea?"

"Not really."


"We were wondering if you could spare a few minutes."

"Me? Can I listen to what you've been doing?" she asked excitedly.

"Actually," said Paul, "we need someone to play some chords on the piano for us whilst Klaus and I add the other bits. Fancy it?"

Lucy nodded. "Sure. It's better than ironing. Just give me a minute to turn the iron off and check the back door is locked."

Moments later Lucy joined Paul and Klaus in the room.

"So, what do you want me to do?" Lucy asked, looking from Paul to Klaus.

Klaus handed her a piece of paper. "Can you play this chord sequence n the piano for us?"

Lucy glanced at the hastily scribbled chords. "A, D, G7, D minor, A. Yes, that's fine. Speed? Just chords or as a rhythmic accompaniment."

"Four beats Lucy," said Paul, "and can we try just the chord held over the four beats?"

Lucy moved to the piano then looked at Paul. "Ready."

Klaus counted them in. "1,2,3,4"

Lucy began to play, initially on her own. She was joined after a few bars by Klaus on guitar then later by Paul on bass. Paul began to sing.

"Ain't got a soapbox I can stand upon
But God gave me a stage, a guitar and a song
My daddy told me, "son, don't you get involved in
Politics, religions or other people's quotes"

I'll paint the picture, let me set the scene
I know that my children, they will know what it means
And I pass on these things my family's given to me
Just love and understanding, positivity..."

The song was lively, catchy and very toes tapping. Lucy loved it immediately. A chorus started and Klaus began to sing in harmony with Paul.

"We could change this whole world with a piano
Add a bass, some guitar, grab a beat and away we go
I'm just a boy with a one-man show
No university, no degree, but lord knows
Everybody's talking 'bout financial growth
And the stock market crashing losing all their dough
While I'll be sitting here with a song that I wrote
Sing, love could change the world in a moment
But what do I know?"

The two men stopped singing and immediately looked pleased.

"Sounds great Klaus!" said Paul triumphantly, "Sounds great! What do you think Lucy?"

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