Part 3 - December 19th Cont'd

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"DAD!" Lucy called, as she let herself and Paul into a wide hallway.

The door on the left opened and Paul watched as a dark haired man in his fifties came out and hugged Lucy.

"Good choir practice love?" he asked

"They sound fantastic! They'll be lovely at the crib service!" Lucy moved from the hug and turned to Paul, "Dad, this is Paul, the young man I told you about when we were Carol singing. Paul, this is my dad, Daniel."

"How do you do?" said Paul politely, offering his hand to shake.

"Nice to meet you young man" he replied.

"I was going to make me and Paul some soup dad. It's freezing out so I thought it would warm us up. Do you want some?"

"No thank you love. I'm fine. You two go and relax, I've got some work to do." Nodding to Paul, he disappeared into the room he had come from.

After following Lucy's lead in hanging up his coat, Paul went into the warm kitchen, Martha at his heels.

"Take a seat, this won't be a minute." Lucy gestured to the table then busied herself getting two bowls from the cupboard. "Does Martha need some water Paul?"

"If that's not too much trouble, please."

Lucy nodded and continued to serve them and Martha. Finally she sat down and handing Paul a plate of thick crusty bread.

"Help yourself."

Paul took some bread and then tasted the soup. Hot, thick and full of vegetables.

"This is delicious!" He smiled at Lucy. "I haven't had soup like this since I was a kid!"

She laughed. "I always make something like this when it's cold. I went to choir rehearsal straight from work so I didn't have time to eat. I just changed out of my uniform. It's quick as well as warm and filling!"

"So what do you do then? For work I mean?"

"I'm a nurse. I work on the children's ward at the local hospital. I love it!"

"Have you been a nurse for long?"

"Two years. Well I qualified two years ago now. My mum was a nurse too so I think it runs in the family"

"Really?" Paul looked surprised, "How funny! My mum was a nurse too...then a midwife."

"Wow where?" asked Lucy, "What a coincidence!"

"Back home in Liverpool."

Lucy nodded. "Is she still nursing?"

Paul shook his head. "No. She died when I was fourteen, so no. Not anymore."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry."

"It's OK. It seems so long ago now. Sometimes I can hardly remember her."

"I know what you mean. I feel the same."


Lucy nodded. "That's something else we have in common Paul, my mum died when I was eight years old. She's was hurt in an accident. She needed an operation but developed an infection. It killed her."

They both looked at each other, not saying a word. Paul gave her a sympathetic smile and they carried on eating in silence.

"So what do you do Paul?" Lucy asked as a pause.

"Me?" Paul looked at her, wondering if she was joking, "You really want to know what I do?"

"Yes. I've told you about me, so why not?"

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