Part 40 - August 4th 1970 (cont'd)

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It was several minutes later when Lucy opened her eyes. Disorientated and confused, only aware that very part of her body hurt and she looked up into the kindly face of a strange woman.

"Just keep still love." said the woman, patting her hand, "There's an ambulance on its way!"

Overcome with pain and moaning softly, her eyes closed once more.

The phone rang at Cavendish Avenue. Paul answered.


"Hi Paul!"


"Yeah it's me our kid!" said the familiar cheerful voice of his brother, "Look, your lovely wife was supposed to be picking up from the station at two o'clock but I managed to get an earlier train. I'll jump a taxi to yours now OK, save her the hassle!"

"What?" Paul stuttered, "Mike, hang on! Why was Lucy meeting YOU?"

 Mike tutted, "Look Paul mate, you've got Lucy all wrong! She's not having any kind of affair, you donkey! She adores you! We've been arranging a visit from Dad, Angie and Ruth to see you and the twins! She wanted to surprise you!"

Paul couldn't speak.

"You still there our kid?"

"Yes...yes! Mike, just get here and tell me again OK. Hurry up!" Paul put the phone down and began pacing. Where was Lucy now? Would she forgive his horrible treatment! He'd even hit her!

Ten minutes or so later there was a knock on the door. Paul flew to answer it, expecting Mike. Instead there were two police officers on the door step.

"Mr McCartney?"


"Please, may we come in sir. We have some news for you, concerning a woman we believe is your wife."

"Lucy? Is she alright?"

"Please, can we talk somewhere a little more...private." The officer glanced around to where the usual group of ardent fans still stood.

Paul stepped to one side and let them in. He took them through to the living room.

"Please, what's happened to my wife?"

"Sir, does your wife drive a green mini?"

"Yes, I bought it for her recently."

"Can you tell me the number plate?"

"It's MAC 70 A." said Paul impatiently,  "But never mind that! Look, what's happened to my wife?"

"A short time ago your wife was involved in a collision with another vehicle sir. According to  witnesses,  a van jumped a red light and ploughed straight into her car."

"Is she...?" Paul stopped.

"She is alive sir, but she had some serious injuries."

"Where is she? I need to go to her."

"We are here to take you to her now sir."

Paul looked around, grabbing his keys, wallet and jacket. "ROSE!"

Rose came in from the kitchen. "I need to go out. Lucy's been in an accident."

"Oh no!"

"I'll ring you and Daniel as soon as I know what's going on. Can you mind the boys?"

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