Part 39 - 4th August 1970

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Lucy slipped into Paul's music room and began to flick through his diary.

"What are you doing?"

She jumped and turned around.

"Paul! When did you get back?"

"Just now, " He looked at her, "What are you doing with my diary?"

"I was looking to see what dates you'd booked for work over the few weeks."


"Why?" Lucy smiled, "Dad was asking about if you were free any time over August. He was thinking that maybe we could all go and stay in a cottage in Lake District or something."

"Couldn't you have waited until I got home to ask me?"

Lucy looked at Paul, her head on one side. "Have I done something wrong Paul love? This is your work diary. I've looked in it before?"

"I don't know Lucy," said Paul, shaking his head, "You're worrying me."

"Worrying you? What for?"

"Lucy love, you disappeared for hours the other day, you've been making odd phone calls either very early in the morning or when I'm out."


" Don't look at me like that or try to deny it, Rose told me."


"You'd be honest with me, wouldn't you?" he asked quietly, "If you felt there was a problem in our relationship or if your feelings towards me had changed?"

Lucy walked towards him. "Paul, I genuinely don't understand why you're asking me this! I love you! I always have!"

"Do you?"

Lucy looked shocked! "You don't believe me?"

"I don't know what to think." said Paul shrugging his shoulders, "You've been quite distant with me lately. Is it because of the baby? I know you didn't want to be pregnant again?"

"I can't believe you're asking me that!"

"Well what else am I supposed to think?"

"I DON'T KNOW PAUL!" Lucy yelled suddenly, "YOU TELL ME! YOU SEEM TO THINK YOU NEED TO CHECK EVERYTHING I DO!" She turned and stormed from the room.

Defeated, Paul sat on the piano stool, not knowing what to do next.

6th August 1970.

"... yes, so it'll have to be the 15th. Yes. Paul's in the studio so it will be an ideal time to move.... Yes. OK. Can't wait to see you! Bye!"

"Who was that?"

Lucy turned, the phone still in her hand. "Oh hi Rose. Just a friend."

"It sounded very mysterious."

Lucy laughed. "No, there's no mystery. Just arranging to meet up with an old friend I haven't seen for a while."

Rose nodded then walked back into the kitchen.

10th August 1970.

Paul sat in his car in the driveway, envelope in his hand. He hadn't believed what David Frost has told him on the phone but now, the proof was clear. He wondered what Lucy would say to him when he confronted her. He slipped into the house through the back door. Rose was there, alone.

"Rose love, look, can you take the boys out now please? Go to Daniel's. I need to speak to Lucy without any interruptions."

"Of course!" Rose eyed Paul's pale, sad face, "Is everything alright Paul?"

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