Part 64 - 21st August 1972 (cont'd)

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Paul watched as Lucy sat at the table on her own, James having woken up and joined his brother with the toys. She was upset about something, he could see that in her face. Suddenly he saw her look towards him so he smiled at her.

"You OK?" he mouthed.

To his surprise she smiled back at him. "Sorry I snapped." she mouthed back.

Paul nodded and gave her a 'thumbs up' then turned his attention back to Mary.

Eventually a nurse returned to them.

"Mr McCartney?" Lucy grinned to herself as a clearly star struck nurse spoke to Paul. "All the discharge paperwork is complete. This is your son's pain relief and James free to go home now."

Paul stood up, "Well thank you," told the nurse. He then offered her his hand to shake. Lucy found herself wanting to laugh as the nurse looked like she was going to faint! After shaking Paul's hand, the nurse scuttled off, her face blood red!

"That was mean!" she scolded playfully as she walked over to Paul, "You could see she was star struck!"

"Was she?" Paul commented innocently, "I hadn't noticed! I only have eyes for my wife!"

Lucy laughed as Paul caught her hand and kissed it. "Hey, it might be a smooth comment but it's so very true!" He grinned at her, "Come on, let's get out of here. We can go home now!" He turned to where the three children were playing, "Come on kids. We're all going home! You too James. The doctor said you can come home!"

Daniel and Mary, as obedient as ever, came over to their parents and took Lucy's hand. Paul tutted as James continued to play and went to retrieve him.

"No daddy!" James protested, "Want to play!"

"Time to go home little man!" Paul picked him up and the family left the ward, James still protesting loudly and causing people to stare at them.

It was 9.30pm before the three McCartney children were finally settled for the night. Paul, returning from his final check that they were all asleep, found Lucy in the kitchen nursing a cup of coffee.

"All fast asleep, thank goodness!" He grinned at her.

"Thanks." Lucy took a sip from her cup.

"You're quiet." remarked Paul after 10 minutes of silence stretched between them.

"Just tired."

"Sure that's all it is love? You've been quiet ever since the hospital."

Lucy looked up at him for a moment. "Tell me about her Paul."


"Tell me about the prostitute you went with."

"Lucy please..."

"Paul, tell me!" she pleaded, "It's eating me up, I keep imagining what you might have done with her! Did you kiss her? Oral sex? Did you do any of things you do with me? Well?"

"Please love, I thought we were trying to move on from all that!"

"Tell me!" Lucy sighed deeply. "I need to know. How old was she? Was she sexy? What did you do with her? Was she better in bed than I am?"


"JUST TELL ME!" she screamed at him suddenly, "TELL ME!"

"OK." Paul looked down at the table avoiding her eyes, his face bright red. "OK...I'll tell you!" He sighed deeply. "The stag party was a group of six of us. We'd been drinking for sometime and we were all really drunk."

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