Chapter 10 - LOUISiana.

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Jionni walked into his first hour class, watching his Science teacher give him a blank expression. The teacher walked over to his book, tearing out a pink slip and handing it to him.

"Sign this for ANOTHER detention, Jionni." The teacher groaned in agitation.

Jionni looked around the glass, looking for the boy Frank. When he saw him in the corner of the room, he dropped his backpack.

"Sign the slip, Jionni." The teacher groaned again.

Jionni walked over to Frank and shoved him and the desk down onto the floor, watching as he scooted back into the lab.

"What the hell?" Frank yelled out.

"Hey, it's a fight!" Someone chanted as everyone crowded around the back.

As people pulled out their phones, Frank wrestled out of his chair and stood up.

"You call yoself brave fo' pushin' a damn female down the stairs?!" Jionni scowled at him. "Hit me! Push me!"

"The fuck you mad for?" Frank scowled. "You don't 'eem like the bitch!"

"Break it up right now!" The teacher scowled as he jogged in between them. "I said now! Now before you both get suspended!"

As Jionni started to walk off, Frank grabbed one of the glass beakers in the lab and smashed it on his back, intentionally aiming for his head. The teacher tried to grab Frank, but it was too late. Frank escaped his grip. Frank lunged after Jionni as he turned around, wrestling with each other to stay on each other's feet. Jionni spun him around and slammed him on the ground, knocking aside the desks as people started recording with their phones. Jionni straddled him and started punching him in the face as Frank tore his shirt. Unable to break the two up, the teacher ran to the desk and called for security.

"Security! Get in here now!" The science teacher yelled as the students, noise, and the fight got louder. "There's students fighting again!!"

While all this was going on, Melissa was already at the hospital. Shockingly, Melissa wasn't seriously injured. She suffered a bruise to her side and her left arm, but nothing was broken. An hour after being admitted into the hospital, her parents arrived in a panic. When they saw her, Maria rushed up to her and hugged her as tight as she could.

"Oh babe." Maria panted. "I'm so glad that you're not hurt."

"Why would I be hurt, mom?" Melissa groaned as she hugged her mom back. "I slipped and fell down the stairs. It's alright."

"Wait a minute, I got a call from your counselor saying that you were shoved down the stairs?" Rodrigo said in confusion.

Melissa shook her head, leaning back into her bed.

"No, that's not what happened. I don't know where she got that from." Melissa lied as she held onto her back, leaning back into her bed. "I was walking and not paying attention, and I slipped."

"Well she said that's what the school was say-"

"That school is full of rumors, dad. They lie about everything!" Melissa scowled lowly in frustration, closing her eyes. "Nobody pushed me. I fell on my own, okay?"

Melissa sucked her teeth in as she grabbed onto her back. Soon after, the doctor walked in with some cream.

"She's gonna be fine. She just suffered a small bruise on her side." The female doctor smiled as she held the bottle of cream in her hand. "Just apply this to her back and the bruise will be gone within 5 days."

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