Chapter 15 - New Enrollment.

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Rodrigo couldn't believe what he was reading in Melissa's phone. He was in such disbelief and shock that he had to pick up the phone and read it through the actual text. Rodrigo stared angrily at the phone as Maria lifted up in her bed and gave him a confused look.

"What's wrong?" Maria asked.

Rodrigo stormed out of his room, storming into Melissa's room. Rodrigo snatched his belt off of his waist and started hitting Melissa's backside, causing Melissa to scream and shriek

"What the heck!?" Melissa yelled as she snatched herself from her fathers grip. "What are you doing!?"

"Who's this damn boy texting you this sexual stuff!?" Rodrigo barked as Maria ran into the room.

"What boy!?!"

"Don't you play stupid with me, damnit! You've got this boys number saved as a heart in your phone!" Rodrigo yelled. "Who the hell is he?"

Melissa knew that Rodrigo was talking about Jionni. Her heart skyrocketed as her fathers rage started to boil over.

"Are you.........sexually active?" Rodrigo asked as his voice cracked in fear.

"What's going on?" Maria asked in confusion.

"How would you get the idea that I'm sexually active over one text!?" Melissa scowled. "Must you guys react to everything?!"

"He text you talking about how he liked French kissing, Melissa!" Rodrigo snapped. "That's sexual!!"

"We never did anything like that!" Melissa snapped.

"What's this boys name?" Rodrigo said.

Melissa gave him an angry look as Rodrigo lifted his belt, causing her flinch.

"What's his name, damnit!" Rodrigo yelled louder.

"Chase!" Melissa yelled.

This was the first name that she could think of. She wasn't giving up Jionni's name. Rodrigo clenched his jaw, handing her her phone.

"Dial his number right now." Rodrigo nodded. "I want you to tell him that you don't wanna see him no more."

Melissa paused for a second, then took her phone. Rodrigo stood over her and watched as she dialed Jionni's number.

"Put him on speaker." Rodrigo demanded. "I want to hear what he has to say."

The phone rang, rang, and rang. Finally, the line went silent.

"Lissaaaaaa." Jionni chanted in a sleepy tone.

Melissa clenched her jaws, taking a deep breath.

"Chase, don't call me anymore." Melissa said in a shaky tone.

Jionni scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, looking at his phone.

"Who da hell is Chase?" Jionni laughed. "Some white boy?"

"Don't act stupid, Chase! My dad found out about my text messages!" Melissa repeated in a worried tone, trying to send him a sign. "Don't text, call, or contact me anymore!"

Jionni paused. He knew by what Melissa was saying over the phone that she was sending a message since this wasn't the way she acted. He knew that she knew that his name wasn't Chase, so Jionni tried to go with it as much as he could.

"But......Melissa.....?" Jionni said in a whiny tone, trying to talk proper to disguise his heavy Louisianan accent to play like he was someone else. "Don't....don't leave me........don't let your parents come between u-"

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