Chapter 1 (Elizabeths perspective)

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The waves were icy blue and the slowly moved forwards towards me. As my eyes opened I saw my icy blue walls and noticed the ocean was all a dream and my mothers voice ran through my ears.
     "Lizzie, come down her honey" she yelled up the stairs. I groaned and got out of bed and ran down the stairs. When I got down there she sat at the table with the biggest smile upon her face. I sat across from her.
        "Good morning honey" her smile grew wider.
        "Morning" I said with a suspicious tone.
        "Look we're going to move and you can pick the place I think it would be nice since me and your father got a divorce we can get out of this hell hole."
         "Ok" I was very upset but happy at the same time.
         "So where we going" she smiled with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. I smiled
          "Ok mom, I have a friend in Derry her name is max" My mom looked down and then her head shot back up
          "Ok go pack I wanna be out by 4:00" I smiled then gave her a hug and went to my room. When I got upstairs I pulled out my suit case that I never used because I've never moved or traveled but 5 week ago my dad and mom got in a huge fight and my dad left 3 days later my mom was signing divorce papers my life was changed and my mom keeps throwing things at me but I know she's hurt so I go along with it.
            2 hours later.......
I finished packing and my room was empty. 2 men came in and took my furniture and put it in the moving van. I looked around and got upset that all the great memories were gone. I sat on my floor for the last time. I sat where my old bed was. My head was against the wall and a tear ran down my face. The only thought that ran through my head was I'm going to leave behind all memories I have ever made. I stopped thinking and grabbed my last bag that the men did not grab and went down stairs. I threw my bag in the van and got in.  The last thing I remember before leaving my old town of Portland was the you are now leaving sign.

The Boy Across The Street----A Jack Grazer FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang