Chapter 17 (Jacks perspective)

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    After Lizzie slammed the door on her mom she crawled back into bed and laid next to me.
    "Hey Jack I have a question" she said putting her soft hands on my chest.
   "Um ya what's up" I asked.
   "You know how we have had 1 date. We went to the dance together and I have never met your parents so maybe today I can" she said with a little awkward smile.
   "Sure they will love you" I said. A smile went across her face.
   "Ok sweetie" she kissed me on the cheek an ran to her closet. She held up outfits and I told her what I liked and disliked but I liked everything. She didn't though.
    "So what are your parents names" she asked fiddling with some of the clothes in her closet.
   "Um their names are Angela and Gavin" she turned around.
"I never told you the name of my mom" she said coming to sit on the bed.
"Her name is Grace" she smiled.
"That is what my name was supposed to be but my dad liked Elizabeth better so here I am"
"Well your name is perfect just like you" she hugged me and went back to the closet.
"Ah I found it" she said turning around. It was a pair of washed jeans and a camo shirt.
"So you like camo" I said.
"Ya couldn't you tell" she laughed. I loved her laugh it was sweet and like music to my ears. She left the room and went to the bathroom.
"How do I look" she said coming back in the room.
"Amazing, wanna go" I asked.
"Yes" she took my hand as we left her house to go to mine. I was scared what they might think even though I think she is perfect.

The Boy Across The Street----A Jack Grazer FanficWhere stories live. Discover now