Chapter 23 (Elizabeths perspective)

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    As me and Jack walked up to my house I felt like breaking down and crying. I hated my father he was a mean man who yelled at me and my mom for no reason. I really think it was because he was a drunk asshole but that's me. As I opened the door he stood up from the couch and walked over to me.
   "Hi baby" he said putting his arms out so I hugged him. Jack stood back quietly.
    "Is this Jack" he said pointing to him. I wanted to say no but before I could Jack spoke.
    "Yes I'm Jack" he said with a huge grin.
    "Hi Jack I'm Robert" my father said like the nicest guy ever one who I never saw before life. As my mom and dad talked in the kitchen Jack pulled me away.
    "I thought you said he was an asshole" Jack said.
   "He was I don't know what made him change. He would always yell and me and my mom and it was worse when he was drunk" I said getting quite nervous.
   "Well your gonna be fine I'm here" jacks smile made me forget all the feeling I had inside. I was happy for once with my dad around. If only it lasted. 10 or 15 minutes after Jack and I talked my dad raised his voice a few times that made me get tense thinking of all the bad memories but Jack would grab my hand to make me feel better and it worked. My dad was still the same man he was and I knew I was probably going to become like him but if Jack could keep me in line maybe I would. I didn't want to loose Jack like my dad lost my mom it would kill me like it did my dad and I could see it eating away at him. He played it cool like they  could still be friends but he ruined that a long time ago.
    "You ok" Jack asked taking me out of my thinking.
   "Yes" was all I said as I thought more about why people kept asking if I was ok maybe I wasn't. Well I'm not I have to much pressure on me. I'm self conscious and I hate everyone and everything but Jack. I was gonna end up like my father and I could not change that. How does Jack being out the good in me I didn't understand but some how he did. He believed in me even when I don't or when other people don't. How was I so lucky to end with him because I'm going to be a horrible person but Jack would tell me otherwise. I grabbed jacks hand. I was safe. I was loved and believed in. I love him.

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