Chapter 55 (Jacks perspective)

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School soon started and I kinda liked it. I mean beside all the school work and shit like that I wanted to see all my friends and most importantly Lizzie. I also know this week is going to be so hard on her because her father is coming back. Well at least Ronnie is leaving that asshole is moving to Canada thank god. He leaves in a few days. Damn it's already 6:30 I've been thinking for so long. Finally I got up and got ready just in time to see Lizzie at my door stop.
"Hey." Her smile brighten my morning. It was a fake smile but I still loved to see her smile.
"Hi Liz" I grabbed her hand and we walked down my driveway. Every thing was perfect I was happy and really I wanted this forever.
   School day ends.....
We walk home hand in hand again it was perfect e saw her dads car but she was chill about it and I loved how she handled it. Ronnie was gone Ellie was moving back to LA because she was "having it hard here" well at least that's what she told her mom and her mom told mine. Everything was great no one was in our way. We were finally alright. Finally.
So there are a few chapters left I hope you guys like this story it took me a lot of time and I know most of this is probably shit because I do suck at writing but there is going to be better written stories.

The Boy Across The Street----A Jack Grazer FanficWhere stories live. Discover now