Chapter 49 (Jacks perspective)

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       I was happy me and her were together again and to show her how much I love her tonight at our school it's a coffee house. And you preform there I'm gonna make sure she goes and sing her her favorite song. The girl. (Song above. You don't have to listen but it's good. Also I don't own the song all rights go to city and colour) I hope I can win her heart back fully. I practiced everyday and Finn was learning the guitar part to help me.
     Later that night.....
Me: hey babe plz come to coffee house tonight.

Lizzie❤️💋: ok, why?

Me: you'll see😊.

Lizzie❤️💋: ok see you later.

I am already at school and ready to go on. I was 5th on stage so I hope she gets here soon. I'm really nervous but excited at the same time.

Yes I know it's really short I'm sorry. I haven't uploaded in a while so I wrote this quickly for you until I can put up a full chapter. Please send me ideas for future chapters. I need help.

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