Zee's PoV
I've been trying so hard to fall asleep for hours now.
What's wrong with me? I sighed..
The image of Pie's partner punching me kept on playing in my mind over and over again. I'm calling the person, The Karate kid. I laughed.
And what bothered me most is the scene where Pie was crying.
I really hate it when a girl's crying..
Until I fell asleep.
I woke up to the sound of my doorbell. I looked at my phone and it's 5 in the morning.
I frowned.
Who could this freak might be?
I walked toward the front door opened it.
I was surprised to see Pie's partner standing outside my door.
I raised my eyebrow.
The karate kid looked at me with an apologetic expression.
"I'm sorry for punching you the last time. It was a misunderstanding between me and Pie."
The karate kid looked sincere so I just accepted it.
I offered a hand and said, "Oh what the heck! Stop frowning, it's too early for that. We can star again as friends."
The karate kid shook my hand and said, " Thank you! U wonder if you want to have some coffee sometime, when you're free. The three of us can be friends."
I nodded.
We exchanged numbers.
She said goodbye and left. Oh! I forgot to get her name.
Well, I'll just put..
The Karate Kid
and saved her number.
My mall tour ended early.
I hate going home early because I'll be alone again.
Maybe I can call one of my girls and fool around.
I reached for my phone and scrolled my contact down.
Maybe I should call Amber?
Hmm.. Nope.
Shiela? .... Nope...
I saw Karate Kid's number.
Hmm.. Maybe I should be friends with them.
I texted TKK (the karate kid)
"Hey man, I'm free tonight. Let's hangout in a coffee shop."
A few minutes later and TKK replied.
"I thought about it and remembered. Aren't you a celebrity? I think grabbing coffee at the shop is not a good idea. How about, eating dinner at our place at around 8pm?"
I answered back, "Yup! Good idea! I'll bring wine."
TKK: "I think, bringing any alcoholic drink's a bad idea, if you know what I mean."
I laughed at that last message.
Yeah! Good thinking.
Kim's PoV
I called Pie, who's at work, and informed her that Zee agreed to have dinner in our place.
Pie loved the idea. After all we put Zee in the middle of our issue.
But Pie said she'll try to be home on or before 8pm. She seemed very busy today.
I finished work early and arrived home. It was exactly 5pm.
I started cooking dinner. I prepared 3 different dishes, rice and bought ice cream.
I placed and arranged the food and plates on our dining table.
I still have 10 minutes so I took a quick shower. I put on my clothes and suddenly my doorbell rang.
I ran towards the door and opened it.
"Hey man! What's up?" I greeted Zee. "Come in"
"Thanks" -Zee
"By the way, I just bought fresh juice for you guys." She added.
"Thanks. Please have a sit. Pie will be arriving any minute now." -Me
"Oh I think she's here." -Me
I hurried to the door and opened it.
Zee's PoV
So I sat on their couch as TKK told me to.
Few minutes later and TKK opened the door for Pie.
I looked at her. She looks so tired but still beautiful as ever.
Wait! What did I just said to my self? Erase it Zee.
Pie walked in and smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back at her.
Yeah! She really is beautiful.
Oh My!!! Nope! Stop it Zee.
So the three of us sat on their table and ate.
Then I learned TKK's name is Kim.
So they both have businesses and they're college sweethearts.
I couldn't help my self from staring at Pie.
She really is pretty.
I hope that Kim didn't notice.
We finished our food and I said good night.
I walked back to my place and went to my bed.
Again, I couldn't sleep. The image of Kim punching me was out of my mind.
But Pie's crying face and how pretty when she smiled at me earlier was in my head over and over again.
I slapped my face hard!
"No Zee. TKK is a friend now. Pie is a friend too. They're together. And, you wouldn't want to be punched in the face again, right?" I mumbled to my self.
OmG!! So Zee is starting to like Pie just as when the three of them are now friends.
Kim and Pie also agreed to work on their trust issues.
What's gonna happen next?
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Yes or No 3 (Kim and Pie)
FanfictionIf you haven't watched Yes or No 1 and 2, I advise you to watch it first, before reading this fan fiction. Also, I admit that the first few chapters are so boring it'll make you not continue reading. However, trust me when I say that it gets better...