Hello YON fans…
Here is another long ud. (
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One thing is certain; my heart is in pain, again.
I switched of the TV and walked back to our room. I lie on our bed and my eyes were staring blankly at the ceiling. It’s one of those moments when I really don’t know what to do and I couldn’t think straight.
I sighed as my mind was full of images of Kim and Aya together or Kim and Yam together. I tried to shake those images of them in my head but failed. Now, my anxiety of losing Kim, again, is intensifying. I fear that Aya will take advantage of the one week they’ll spend together and knowing Kim, being as kind as ever, she can’t even say no to all of her requests. Then comes Yam, my long lost best friend and please note my sarcasm there. Kim is her first love and you know what they say about ‘first love never dies’ crap. Also, I know that deep inside Kim’s heart she truly cared for Yam back then. I am troubled that Kim’s old feelings for Yam will resurface again. Plus the fact that Kim didn’t answer my call adds to that which is now making me crazy.
Come on Pie, have a little faith in Kim. My left brain said.
Oh come on! It’s obvious Kim’s enjoying all the attention she is getting from the two b*tches that she couldn’t answer her phone, says my right brain.
You know Kim. Since you got back together she has always tried hard to prove you that she’ll never make the same mistake again. Just trust her. My left brain defended.
Yeah, whatever. Remember what most people say, cheaters will always be cheaters, or better yet, History repeats itself. Here comes my right brain again.
What I’m saying is that you love Kim and she loves you so much too. Just hold on to that and believe in her. My left brain spoke again.
But sometimes, I really am not sure what to believe anymore and that sometimes is now. I said to myself.
I tried calling Kim again for several times but she didn’t answer. Then I drifted to slumber.
I told Aya that I haven’t told Pie that she’s here yesterday because I didn’t know if I should tell her or not…
And now, my head was rested on Aya’s shoulder while we were seated on the beach chair. My head is in so much pain right now. Yup, migraine. I couldn’t believe it. She is here. She really is here.
And yes, I’m talking about Yam.
FLASH BACKAya, I and some of our new Thai friends were seated with us while we all eat. We were talking about non important things when I heard a familiar voice from behind me.
“Uhmm… Excuse me, this is the reserved table for Thais right?” The lady said.
All of us snapped our heads to her direction and my eyes grew wide in shock. The girl who was in all smiles noticed my odd reaction and so she focused her eyes on me and BAM! She immediately pulled an empty chair and sat next to me.

Yes or No 3 (Kim and Pie)
FanfictionIf you haven't watched Yes or No 1 and 2, I advise you to watch it first, before reading this fan fiction. Also, I admit that the first few chapters are so boring it'll make you not continue reading. However, trust me when I say that it gets better...