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Kim’s PoV

I stared at Pie as she was peacefully sleeping beside me.  Should I stay here until she wakes up?  Should I leave now?  I sat up and I felt my head thumping headache. 

I knew that last night, it was more than lust or me being drunk.  I allowed it to happen.  I wanted it.  I wanted her.  I wanted to taste her lips on mine, again.  Her skin touching mine, I wanted all of that.  Somehow, when I was drunk I didn’t fear of what is to come after I made love to her but now that I am sober enough, confusion twirls around my mind.

REALITY came flashing back to me.  Rain and Mark, how they betrayed me and I knew that I never wanted to see them but then again, I can’t just walk away from our complications.  And Pie, how do I really feel about her?  I like her don’t I?  I think I still do but I can never accept that fact.  I can never let myself fall for her again.  I can never let myself feel something for someone again while I know that in the end I will always be left alone.

I knew that leaving her in our bed after what we did last night is the most non-human thing I’ll do but if I don’t leave now, I don’t even know what to say to her later or what to offer her because I really have nothing left inside me. 

I stood up and started wearing my clothes back.  When done, I quietly sneaked out of the room.  I saw the unit’s care taker and so I asked her to cook something for Pie and left her a small card with my note.

Pie’s PoV

A tear escaped my eye.  Kim already left.  Last night, I knew that this was going to happen but now that it’s already happening I can’t help but feel sad.  No, it actually shattered my heart into pieces.  Maybe Kim used me for some reason… but I… I let her use me… I can’t blame it all on Kim since I knew that she was too drunk to think last night. Mostly, what happened last night was my fault.  I knew what was happening.  From the moment Kim kissed me to the point when the both of us laid on the bed, I knew what was coming and I didn’t stop it.  I allowed it to happen.  I wanted it.  I wanted her.  I wanted to taste her lips on mine, again.  Her skin touching mine, I wanted all of that.  It was like a beautiful dream that I never wanted to wake up from.  But the saddest part was, I have to wake up and face reality.  Kim isn’t mine and will never be mine again.  For her, what happened last night was just a mistake.  The note she left me proved it. :’(


Now in my room, I was only staring at the ceiling as I waited for Aya to arrive.  Yes, I needed someone to talk to and so I called Aya before I left our old unit.  I told Aya of how I saw Kim before she left the resort and how the both of us ended saying some horrible words from our past plus how Kim left the resort. How I was so hurt because of what Kim said to me that lead me to have a couple of drinks… blah… blah… blah…  I saw her keys and I left the resort too.  My phone rang and I knew who it was.  I cancelled her call and I ran down stairs and to the front door.  I opened the door Aya didn’t say anything.  She stared at my face for few seconds.  She raised her eyebrows and eyed me up and down.  Yup!  She eyed me from head to toe.

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