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Hey guys!

As promised another update.

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Special mention to my friends @michtenchavez, @boodeasis and @gieram78.






Kim’s PoV

I wonder what just happened to Pie.  Suddenly she wanted to go home.  It’s not that I’m too concern about her or anything. It’s just that…..








Well… You know… 




Alright!  I am a little bit concern.  Just a little bit, okay!?  Don’t look at me like that!  She is my friend.




I tried calling Pie just so I can check if she got home safe but she didn’t pick up her phone.  It’s not that I don’t trust my friend Mark.  It’s just, well…  Uggghh!!!  Okay, I don’t trust these four guys whenever there’s



She decided to spare me from worrying about her when I received an SMS,



I’m home. Thanks.



“Huh?  So this is what I get for worrying about her?”  I told myself…



I asked Aya if she knows something about Pie’s sudden change in mood.  And, what she told me was, “Duh?!  Isn’t it obvious!?” 

“So it was because of me huh?!”  I assumedly asked.



“Wow!  Talk about narcissism my best friend!!!  Another BIG DUH?! To you again!  She just got jealous because she likes Zee so much but Zee left her so she can dance with Rain.”  Aya explained to me.  No! Scrap that!  Aya slapped it to my face…



“Whatever.  Just asking.”  I answered.  It’s not like I care if she likes Zee.  I just want to know what’s making her upset.




The party ended and all of the guests left already, including Aya and the gang.  My girlfriend was the last to leave.

“So, I’ll see you tomorrow, Rain?”  I asked.

“Uhmmm… I’m not sure.”  She said.]

Yes or No 3 (Kim and Pie)Where stories live. Discover now