A/n: Sorry for late ud guys.. I’m feeling better now..
This one is a long chapter as a peace offering :-)
I hope you vote and comment again.. Please... *_*
It’s been 10 minutes since Aya left... I can’t help but wonder how is she feelin’ right now..
"Kim, I’ll just go to ladies room." I said.
Yes guys!! Again, I’m not that bad, okay? I know that Aya doesn’t like me as much as I don’t like her but maybe she needs someone to talk to.
As I walk in to the ladies’ room, I realized, I was right. I saw her looking at the mirror with sad eyes. She was spacing out, probably thinkin’ of something. She didn’t even notice I entered the very same room.
I cleared my throat and said, "Uhmm.. Aya are you alright?"
She was snapped out of her own little world and looked at me. Her now sad eyes turned into a glare. "We’re not friends... Stop acting like you care. It’s obvious that I like Kim too and so we don’t like each other."
And she walked past me then spoke again, "And don’t worry, the war has just began," and she’s out the ladies’ room.
Okay. I get it. She’s a total b*tch. I can’t believe that I just wasted my time worrying about her.
Aya’s PoV
I can’t stand it... Sitting with Kim and her girlfriend. .. Hearing about their past. Ughhh!!
I realized that most of the people are dancing their asses off to the fast beat music. I was walking towards our table when the dance music changed into a slow one. You know, the love song cliché.
I saw how some guys walked over to some girls and asked them to dance. But what surprised me was when I saw Kim standing up and walking towards me with a sweet smile.
Oh My God!!! She’s meeting me halfway!!
When Kim was almost near me, I lifted my hand as if saying ’Yes, I want to dance with you too!’
But she just walked past me. Why?!!
I turned around and looked up to where Kim was going only to see Pie a little bit far behind me. Then I remembered that I left her in the ladies’ room.
Of course! Kim was going for Pie! How stupid of me to even expect!!
Good thing, Chris suddenly popped out of nowhere grabbing my hand and pulling me to the dance dance floor. Chris just saved me from embarrassing myself in front of Kim.
While we were dancing, "Chris, am I that obvious?"
Chris smiled and said, "Well, yeah. Honestly, All of us knew since forever."
My eyes widened when I heard him. "Including Kim?!!!!" I asked.
"Hmmm.. You know Kim.. She’s always as dense and as clueless as always." Chris replied.
I sighed in relief. I wanted to tell Kim myself about me liking her.
As I was dancing, I couldn’t help myself but stare at Kim and her little sl*t dancing.
Yes guys!!! Obviously, I’m jealous. And I envy that Pie girl!!! Happy??!!!
Then a thought came to mind.... I’m so not gonna lose to her!!

Yes or No 3 (Kim and Pie)
FanfictionIf you haven't watched Yes or No 1 and 2, I advise you to watch it first, before reading this fan fiction. Also, I admit that the first few chapters are so boring it'll make you not continue reading. However, trust me when I say that it gets better...