Chapter 2

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Selena was too excited that once Nick left the house she immediately dialed for her sister's number. It took a while of ringing before her tired voice replies, clearly someone wasn't an early bird.

"Morning Demi!" Selena giggles cheerfully through the line.

"Oh, why are you being such a devil to wake up your sister?" Demi, her tecnically step-sister, responds tiredly, but total jokes.

"Nick... take  out... me!" Selena said, clearly unable to get her words placed in a right way, leaving her sister confused.

"Wha-OH," she finally understands, and just chuckles, "Haven't heard you this happy in so long."

"I know..." Selena finally controls her breathing yet smiling big, even Elvis barks, signalling his joy. "I'm happy Dems."

She has clarify that to her sister, or else she was going to come and kick Nick's ass. Demi was alright with Nick in the beginning but she was also part of the crowd that doubted their success in marriage. And the first time they fought, Demi was going to come give this kid a kick.

Even now, seeing their marriage fall, she is dying to really murder him for causing all the pain Selena is suffering for. She hated Nick for hurting her sister like this.


Although he said it would just be a simple walk around the park with their dog, Selena got dressed up by 12 like he said. She didn't even eat, despite the constant music from her stomach, she was hoping that this time Nick would take her out to dinner as well.

She sat in the living room watching some One Tree Hill re-runs while she waits for him. Eventually 12 o'clock turned into 4 o'clock. Selena fell asleep waiting, even Elvis, their dog got tired and drifted off to sleep.

After sun down, he was finally home. The television was still on as he heard the commercials play. Nick strips off his runners and walks into their living room and there she was, another day, falling asleep on the couch waiting for him but just to be disappointed.

He frowns seeing the way she slept; she grasped onto the cushion tightly. Elvis, who laid next to the coffee table next to her, watches him come over, Elvis let out a saddening whimper.

"I know, it's my fault," Nick says to their dog, then gently picking her off couch bridal style, just like every other night when she would stay up waiting for him. Whether its because he was out late playing poker or because of work, she would still wait.

As he gets her close to his chest, he realizes she was sobbing in her sleep. He couldn't tell when she was so soundly asleep against the cushion, but now she was up close, he felt the guilt fill his insides.

He gulped down that ball of saliva stuck in his throat.

It was never his intentions to hurt her like this, he hated to see her cry. He still loves her, just that he felt like going home was such a drag. He rathers to be at work than home, the way their conversations play out is just boring now, and he hated how things went down for them. Its like the love and spark for one another has just faded in time.

He turns on the lamp in their bedroom as he lightly laid her down on their bed. He was about to fully release her to get her pajamas, instead plans changed, she grabs him down my the neck, slurring her words out.

 "Don't leave me..." she sobs, her eyes were still closed. And he could scent the breath of a vixen, the toxicated alcohol was still in her as she spoke.

Nick tried to pull away to get her pajamas, but it just caused the tears to run out.

"Nick... why don't you love me anymore?" her sobs became heavier as he squirmed his way out. He gives in and gently lays a kiss on her lips.

"I love you, forever and always," his soft voice sounds the truth, he never stopped loving her, but it was just the relationship.

Her body slows the pace of her breathing as she calms, "It's all a lie..."

His heart drops hearing her sobs and the fact it was the alcohol taking over her body, he knew it right up that she was speaking the truth. He sits on the edge of the bed, embracing her into his arms as the tears soaks up in his shirt.

"Selena Marie, I love you and that is forever," he pouts, holding his wife tight in her arms as tears continues to spill. Eventually she fell back into sleep from the tears that exhausted her and Nick did too, he sang her a song to her till she fell back asleep. 

The guilt never left him, even sleeping he felt his heart ache. The sobs from her, taunts him at night, it was constantly bugging him even in his sleep. 

And worst part, it wasn't the first time. Why is marriage such a complication?

The next morning, Selena wakes up by the elephant that was stomping on her head. She groans feeling the terror of alcohol, but she hasn't realized her position until she felt his embrace still tight around her. 

All the disappointment from yesterday was wiped off the plate, as she watched him sound asleep with his lips attached to her forehead. A weak smile crosses her lips feeling the warmth from him, the head ache has seemed to fade away when she felt his arms around her.

A harsh groan escape his lips when she accidentally shifted her arm, her hand had accidentally hit him on the wrong area. He stirred a little but instantly became conscious when he felt the numbness run his arms.

He shifts a little, filling her into his arms. He chuckles when seeing her doll eyes stare at him mesmirized. She giggles too when she sees the smile cross his face, something she really missed seeing.

She didn't want this moment to end, she just wanted to hold in this moment hoping every morning would be like this.

"Morning," she giggles, when he ducks down to her level.

"Morning," he nibbles on her earlobe, "Beautiful."

This is something she hasn't done to him in the longest time, she ducks when he was leaning down for a hug. She turns her head purposely, and planting a kiss on his lips. 

He smirks turning her over to hold the kiss, then slowly pulling away and chuckles, "Babe, as much as I love you, you smell like alcohol."

"Sucks, because you love this," she smirks too, bringing his lips back down as she kissed him and this time he didn't pull away.

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